Study Suggests Optimists May Live Longer – IOTW Report

Study Suggests Optimists May Live Longer


An upbeat view of life may increase your odds for living to a ripe old age, new research suggests.

The finding stems from a look at optimism and longevity among nearly 70,000 women and 1,400 men. It builds on earlier research linking higher levels of optimism to lower risks of chronic illness and premature death.

“This study took us further by suggesting that optimistic people are more likely to achieve ‘exceptional longevity,’ which we defined as living to age 85 or older,” said study lead author Lewina Lee, a clinical research psychologist with the U.S. National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System. More

20 Comments on Study Suggests Optimists May Live Longer

  1. Jimmy
    AUGUST 28, 2019 AT 6:48 PM

    “Now, if you were certain about it, I’d be more optimistic.”

    …perhaps they’re tamping it down because they don’t WANT you to live longer…

  2. Various kinds of optimism:

    “Things have to get worse before they can get better.” -a sadistic optimist

    “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” -a masochistic optimist

    “They never said it would be easy.” -a stubborn optimist

    “You can’t get there from here.” -a realistic optimist

    “If at first you don’t succeed, cry, cry again.” -Hillary Clinton

  3. the Roman Republic lasted 482 years … not as optimistic about the American Republic

    … but my genetic history sez I’ll probably last into my mid 90’s … so I got that going for me … optimistically

  4. Back around 2000, just for fun, I took one of those “When are you going to die?” Internet surveys…

    Answer: Age 58. (No clue.)

    So, it’s possible I’m dead already and living in limbo… or purgatory… or I’m a ghost and don’t know it. It sure would explain the weird, zombie people I see in Western Washington. Hell, sometimes I think I’ve crossed over into some kind of ‘alternate universe.’

  5. What if you really don’t want to live to a “ripe old age”? I’m going to have to become more morose.

    Speaking of morose, where have Mr. P and Mike N been for the past several weeks?


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