Study Thinks AI Might Make Us Dumber – IOTW Report

Study Thinks AI Might Make Us Dumber

Tech Crunch

Researchers from Microsoft and Carnegie Mellon University recently published a study looking at how using generative AI at work affects critical thinking skills.

“Used improperly, technologies can and do result in the deterioration of cognitive faculties that ought to be preserved,” the paper states. More

20 Comments on Study Thinks AI Might Make Us Dumber

  1. Today’s youth can’t spell because of spell check.
    Can’t do math without a calculator.
    Cursive is unknown to them because of computer screens.
    Don’t know what bathroom do use because of adults.
    Now they won’t know the difference between reality and fiction.
    Wikipedia on steroids.

  2. “It’s no wonder many under 35 just can not think rational thoughts for themselves.”

    I’ve dealt with two contractors this month that just totally failed. So they were confronted, told they failed the job. One of the little pussies actually cried. The other one went right to “Your wife screamed at me”. Really, I’ve been married to her for ever and never heard her scream at anybody. You keep insulting my wife and shits gonna get real.
    His response? “What’s that mean?”
    They’re clueless. And talent-less. Too many participation trophies I think.

  3. I read another study recently that warned against “AI addiction” – over relying on AI to substitute for individual efforts and thinking.

    I once had a student define critical thinking as “thinking that makes your brain hurt”. No wonder people don’t like it. It can be no fun.

    While it seems that the trend is to push AI deep into the education system as early as possible, I advocate that we should treat it like alcohol consumption: Forbid it from use by children until their brains and cognitive skills have matured. And then monitor and regulate it.

  4. “Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

  5. Side story – I was discussing a work topic with a coworker and we were struggling to understand our company’s approach to a commercial issue. She suggested asking the AI tool that our company has linked to our internal website. For fun I tried it and AI’s answer matched our thinking and opposite that of our corporate leaders approach.

  6. “It’s a feature, not a bug.”

    Treat it like alcohol, yes. Treat it like power tools. Treat it like firearms. Treat it like a driver’s license. Like any machine, it can help you do things rapidly, it can also help you make mistakes rapidly.

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