Stunning Comparison-First 6 Months Of Two Very Different Presidents – IOTW Report

Stunning Comparison-First 6 Months Of Two Very Different Presidents

Nox and Friends

…The final part in this series unfolds as we are able to take stock of who in the world both men found important to contact and interact with in those first critical months. It does reveal a few interesting notes and confirm a bit of speculation.

Foreign Diplomatic Relations
Visits and Other Communications Both At Here and Abroad

Obama NA

-Prime Minister May at WH;
-calls Israeli PM,
-speaks with Egyptian President,
-speaks with Indian PM,
-speaks with Mexican President

-Ottawa Canada trip for NAFTA;
-Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso at WH

-Japanese PM in Jupiter FL and Golf,
-meets with Jordanian King Abdullah II,
-speaks with Italian PM,
-speaks with with Ukrainian President,
-speaks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg,
-speaks with PM of New Zealand,
-speaks with Spanish PM and Turkish President,
-Japanese PM at WH, Canadian PM at WH,
-Israeli PM at WH,
-meets with Peruvian President at WH

-British PM at WH; Brazilian President at WH;
-Ireland meets with Taoiseach Brian Cowen and First Minister of Northern Ireland
-Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at WH; Australian PM at WH;
-Secretary General of NATO at WH on future of as well as NATO summit and Russia relations;
-Chile summit on progressive governments with presidents of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, and the prime ministers of the United Kingdom and Norway;
-London G-20 with world leaders agreement on $1.1 trillion injection to aid global recovery, new rules for banking, and clampdown on tax havens while Obama hails it as a ‘historic’ deal and Apologizes at the Summit for (“Some Restoration of America’s Standing in the World”) and for GITMO (“Sacrificing Values”)

-speaks by telephone to Japanese PM,
-speaks by telephone with Palestinian President,
-hosts Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman at WH,
-talks with Taoiseach Enda Kenny at WH,
-speaks by telephone with Brazilian and Chilean Presidents,
-Iraqi PM at WH,
-Danish PM at WH

-British PM, Queen Elizabeth, Chinese President, Russian President in London;
-French President at student townhall in Paris;
-NATO summit Strausburg France as well as Kehl and Baden-Baden, Germany (resort cities) Apologizes in summit speech to France and Europe (“America Has Shown Arrogance”;
-Czech President and Prime Minister at Prague speech on nuclear disarmament;
-Visits Turkish President and delegates Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey with Turkish parliament and at Alliance of Civilizations forum along with townhall meeting and Apologizes before the Turkish Parliament (“Our Own Darker Periods in Our History”);
-Iraqi PM in Baghdad as well as Camp Victory near Baghdad;
-Mexican President in Mexico;
-Attends 5th Summit of the Americas in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago and Apologies in summit speech (“At Times We Sought to Dictate Our Terms”);
-King of Jordan at WH

-Chinese President at West Palm Beach FL,
-Egyptian President at WH,
-speaks by phone with Putin,
-spoke by phone to S Korea acting President,
-spoke by phone with German Chancellor and British PM,
-meets with two former Colombian Presidents at Mar-a-Lago;
-Argentine President at WH;
-speaks by telephone with Philippine President

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9 Comments on Stunning Comparison-First 6 Months Of Two Very Different Presidents

  1. So weird all these little coinkydinks this week and last. I started to do a BP post comparing the obama’s party/vacay schedule their first six months in office to the Trump’s. I didn’t get very far because it made me ill when I saw the dollar amounts for obama’s recurring “Wednesday Night Cocktail Parties” and their frequent star-studded parties that Judicial Watch started to look into. Apparently, the partying was so frequent and the guest list so luminary, it was obvious the obama’s had turned the WH into the hot ticket; hosting and spending a lot of money on what had become a very lavish lifestyle. They were using the WH as their crib to hob nob with and impress a who’s who of black film, music, and literary stars. And that’s before I even looked at the vacation time and money.

  2. I listened to an interview with David Horowitz last night and he makes no bones of it: “Obama is a communist.” Knowing Horowitz’s life story, his parents, his work with the Black Panther party, etc., I believe his assessment. Fascinating to hear H. speak about the particulars from an insider’s vantage point. He said that it was during the Clinton WH that the D’s embraced the far Left and it was the ’08 election when the far Left “…finally got in one of their own.”

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