Suing California – IOTW Report

Suing California

Trump Sues California After State Passes Law to Release Tax Returns as Requirement to Appear on Ballot.

Epoch Times-

President Donald Trump sued California on Aug. 6 after California Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed a bill into law requiring presidential candidates to release five years of tax returns.

The state would post the tax returns publicly.

The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California and alleges that the law adds an “unconstitutional qualification” to the prerequisites listed for candidates in the Constitution.

“The Democratic Party is on a crusade to obtain the president’s federal tax returns in the hopes of finding something they can use to harm him politically,” the lawsuit states, according to CBS. “In their rush to join this crusade, California Democrats have run afoul of these restrictions on state power over federal elections.”

The Republican National Committee and Judicial Watch also sued California over the law. MORE


Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit Against California’s Tax Return Law Directed at Trump

Epoch Times:

federal lawsuit was filed by Judicial Watch on Monday, challenging California law S.B. 27, which requires presidential candidates to publicly disclose five years of personal income tax returns in order to appear on the state’s primary ballot. S.B. 27 would prevent President Trump from appearing on California’s 2020 ballot.

Judicial Watch will be representing four California voters who filed the lawsuit last week against California’s Secretary of State Alex Padilla (D). The lawsuit will challenge the Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act, S.B. 27.


8 Comments on Suing California

  1. Don is the 1st President since Ronny to fight back! but I think that the 4 who came after really did not fight because they were in their “heart of hearts” lefties. But they may have just been cowards; who knows? I for sure can not read minds! but given how they governed I think they were libs!

  2. Then the President and the Senate vote to null any and all votes from California including those for Congress, the Senate, the Presidency and the Electoral College. California would have only the representation left in the Senate whose terms have not run out. Wonder how Newsom would explain that? Hell, he’d probably get shot by one of his own citizens. Actually, the revolution would likely start there.

  3. Someone should be asking Newsom “why are we spending money we don’t have to fight for a law that is unconstitutional?” Then add “wouldn’t the money be better spent on the kids?”

  4. My office is a couple blocks from the courthouse trump’s lawsuit was filed in. I will check out the hearings. The court is fairly balanced politically; no serious leanings left or right. That was not the case until about five years ago when Judge Karlton retired. The case would have landed on his desk, and the outcome certain before he read the papers. Things are different now,.

    Also, any appeal will be heard by the Ninth Circuit, which is different than it was just a couple years ago. This is all good. As I recall, and I could be wrong, the violates the US constitution.


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