Superdelegates Signal They Won’t Back Bernie Sanders in a Contested Convention: ‘Overwhelming Opposition’ – IOTW Report

Superdelegates Signal They Won’t Back Bernie Sanders in a Contested Convention: ‘Overwhelming Opposition’

Breitbart: Members of the Democrat establishment have demonstrated concern over the potential of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) running away with the Democrat Party’s nomination, and many superdelegates have signaled that, in the event of a contested convention, they would not immediately throw their support behind him.

The New York Times interviewed 93 superdelegates in recent days and found “overwhelming opposition” to backing the socialist presidential hopeful as the party’s nominee if he fails to enter the party’s convention with a majority of delegates.

A Democrat candidate needs a majority of pledged delegates, 1,991, going into the convention in order for the candidate to secure the nomination on the first ballot. Anything less would result in a contested convention, handing power back to superdelegates, or unpledged delegates, who could defy the will of Democrat voters and throw support behind someone else.

Sanders is the only Democrat candidate who has stated his belief that the candidate going into the convention with the most delegates should be the nominee, regardless if he or she fails to reach the magic number.

Moderate Democrats and establishment party leaders across the board are panicked by Sanders’ rise and the impact it could have down the ballot — from maintaining control of the House to taking over the Senate. read more

12 Comments on Superdelegates Signal They Won’t Back Bernie Sanders in a Contested Convention: ‘Overwhelming Opposition’

  1. The ruling class uses facial recognition, voice recognition, fingerprints, DNA, heartbeat monitors, and cameras to track Americans because everybody is different, but the elites want everyone to be the same and embrace global warming, the nanny state, illegal immigration, welfare, wars, abortion, gun control, censorship, immorality, warrantless searches, forfeiture, torture, and debt.

  2. I’m disappointed that the entire, Godless Democrat party isn’t foursquare behind Sanders. They are liars, cheaters and hypocrites for feigning outrage over his unvarnished love of communism.

    What they’re apparently aiming for is to have a sizeable remnant of their party with which to regroup and continue their attacks in stealth mode.

    I wanted them broken to the bone so we could shit can them in a truly historic way.

  3. I hope the super delegates do step in. (1) It will show some (certainly not all) democrat voters that their voices are ignored by the party. (2) It will probably force the socialists to form their own party (leaving the media in a pickle though I’m certain they’ll be threatened to continue supporting democrats)

  4. The dumbocrats used Bernie for political back ground noise, they never expected him to get very far off the ground. Their “stomp out Sanders” backup plan is still in the backroom being developed and buffed up. Bernie baggage is a self inflicted wound caused by “dig up votes anyway you can.”

  5. Who has been given the most favorable coverage this week?

    To me, that’s simple. Biden.

    Even with his myriad fuck ups (I’ll appoint the first black female Senator, his comment about a woman could strip down and walk naked to the exit of his townhall and no one has a right to touch her, etc., etc.), all those superdelegates will still back him.

    My throat is parched from all the previous popcorn. I think they’re trying to kill me.


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