Supporting Trump Got This Girl Harassed Out of Her College – IOTW Report

Supporting Trump Got This Girl Harassed Out of Her College


A freshman student at Bryn Mawr College has dropped out after what she says was unbearable harassment from her fellow students for supporting President-elect Donald Trump.

In September, shortly after starting at the Pennsylvania women’s school, Andi Moritz made a post on the Bryn Mawr’s ride-sharing Facebook page, asking if anybody wanted to accompany her during a Saturday spent campaigning for Trump. Moritz said she wanted another girl along to ensure her safety since she was carpooling with a man she didn’t know.

The request turned out to be a big mistake, as Moritz was bombarded with hundreds of comments from fellow students, most of them extremely hostile.

“Nobody has the right to an opinion of bigotry. 0 tolerance for fascists!” one comment said, according to

Read more: 

Meanwhile, what is this dopey professor bleating about?

Prof denies that college campuses are ‘liberal echo chambers’

  • A Colby College professor is railing against the idea of liberal echo chambers on campus, claiming it is just an “anti-intellectual” ploy to undermine the credibility of academic experts.
  • In a recent op-ed, Prof. Aaron Hanlon argues that anti-conservative bias is exaggerated, citing a survey revealing that 21 percent of conservative students feel uncomfortable sharing their opinions.

11 Comments on Supporting Trump Got This Girl Harassed Out of Her College

  1. Gee, an all-girl “school” that’s a hotbed of hateful socialism?
    Who woulda thunk it?

    I guess the inclusive toleration of the inclusively tolerant won’t tolerate inclusion. Such a shame. They expose their hypocrisy, and remain unaware.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Remember when the Left was all “question authority,” “question everything,” and “Speak truth to power?” Now, if you don’t adhere to Leftist Orthodoxy you are targeted, silenced, and destroyed. Like Dennis Prager was just saying yesterday – “No one bullies people like the Left.”

  3. Czar is right. Title IX. Sue the shit out of them.

    >>“Nobody has the right to an opinion of bigotry. 0 tolerance for fascists!” one comment said, according to<<

    Heh. It's hilarious that they are blind to the irony of that statement.

  4. “You want to go campaign for a man who has systematically oppressed entire ethnic/racial groups not to mention the LGBTQIA+ community and many others.”

    No, I want to go campaign for Donald Trump.

  5. It’s ridiculous that socialists call anyone that is not for socialism a “fascist”. It is not even within their paradigm to consider that someone is for smaller government via a constitutional republic. Fault the socialist educational system.

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