Suppressing Puberty to ‘Treat’ Gender Dysphoria – IOTW Report

Suppressing Puberty to ‘Treat’ Gender Dysphoria

The Who’s for pumping confused kids full of hormones to suppress the onset of their puberty? It’s a common “therapy” given to boys who think they are girls and vice versa.

According to the must-read new paper “Growing Pains: Problems with Puberty Suppression in Treating Gender Dysphoria” by Paul W. Hruz, Lawrence S. Mayer, and Paul R. McHugh in The New Atlantis, puberty suppression “advocates argue that it represents a prudent and ‘fully reversible’ way to give young people with gender dysphoria and their families time to sort out the difficult issues surrounding gender identity.”

Gender dysphoria is the learned name for the mental malady of men thinking they’re women and vice versa.

The Problems With Suppressing Puberty

The problem, as Hruz and the others outline, it is that drugging kids up is a “radical and experimental” procedure “based more on subjective judgments and speculation than on rigorous empirical studies.” The so-called treatment is “being applied in an uncontrolled and unsystematic manner” and is endangering kids.

Worse is that “the claim that puberty-blocking treatments are ‘fully reversible’ is not supported by scientific evidence, and possible side effects include abnormal bone and muscle development, neurological problems, and infertility.”

And worst, “These treatments may make it more likely that patients whose cross-gender identification would not have persisted past childhood will continue to identify as the opposite sex into adulthood.”


18 Comments on Suppressing Puberty to ‘Treat’ Gender Dysphoria

  1. Everybody with any sense knows giving pre teens and anyone under the age of 27 drugs to block normal sex hormones is wrong, dangerous, stupid, and abusive. It also supports and reinforces mental illness.

    (Peeps can currently stay on their parent’s insurance until age 26)

  2. Transgenders, move to California where your surgery and hormones will be provided free of charge in the state prison system, a small felony should keep you in long enough.

    Suicidal transgender people should move to Washington DC, California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, or Washington where doctor assisted youth-in-Asia is legal.

  3. This is what happens when you mainstream mental illness.
    Of course they think it’s perfectly normal to fcuk up the next generation because it normalizes and justifies their sick, twisted practices!
    By any other name this is just gross, sick Child abuse!

  4. I see that infertility is one of the drug’s side effects. Too bad that side effect couldn’t be visited upon the evil adults who are experimenting with their own children.

  5. No no no no no no no no no no nooooooooooo!!!!

    Those f’in CRAZYS

    They are doing it wrong, if anything it would be better to speed this shit up.
    Teens typically lose their ever lovin minds between 15-21, prolonging this event would
    cause major malfunctions.

  6. Does this puberty suppressing even work? I was watching something on TLC and saw a preview for that show with the tranny freak “Jazz” and he looks like a male. He has then beginnings of a mustache, wide shoulders, heavy brow bone, etc.. He is a boy and there is only so much one can suppress what nature intends.

  7. If the parents intent is to suppress puberty, they should consider not conceiving the child until the parents are ready.

    Johnny likes pink – better drug him up. Really? How about not have Johnny until you can think straight.

  8. Parents who pump their child full of hormones because he/she thinks that they’re a she/he is criminal and child abuse charges should be laid. Any doctor who does this should be hauled in front of the his medical board and have his license pulled. This is pop science at it’s worst. There are no actual clinical trials where this is a proven therapy that is both reversable and without long term consequnces both physically and mentally. Hell, a new procedure for removing an ingrown toenail would get more scrutiny then this. If Trump’s judicial appointments don’t bring some of this left wing, progressive crap to an end it may be up to the people.

  9. Here in progressive wonderland, the legislature passed a law that allows transgenders to change their birth certificate to their chosen sex. So now all proof of who someone really is,is scrubbed. Kind of like our ex- president.

  10. I’d like to see some facts about the “parents” of these so-called “confused” kids. How many of these children are in single mom homes? How many of the boys have no fathers in the home? How many of the girls have mothers who are homosexual or bi-sexual? That info should be front and center to the debate.

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