Supreme Court allows construction of Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline to resume – IOTW Report

Supreme Court allows construction of Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline to resume

JTN: The United States Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Mountain Valley Pipeline may resume construction.

The ruling vacates a 4th Circuit Court of Appeals decision earlier this month that halted the completion of the pipeline and called for a review of authorizations by the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service for the pipeline to be finished. more here

8 Comments on Supreme Court allows construction of Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline to resume


    Otherwise, I have not been heard from, a lot…for a reason (lucky guys!)…might likely miss you, as time goes on. I mean YOU Know….HO HUM, De Damn Dum Dum Dummm…with a severely busted knee!

    Can’t wait to get back walking after 2.5 months! Really getting boring waiting for the August 8th Doctor’s appointment! This has now become a 24-hour-a-day worry and daily exercise and stretching, fighting to keep and unfreeze the continual Rigor mortal stiffness I feel creeping over the left knee. Still dumping down gobs of “joint support” horse pills and definitely can feel some daily improvement.

    Have spoken to my “Church Lady”, Wilma, and will be picking out a grave site on the Church cemetery grounds after all this. She knows what happened and at 90 y.o. she insists we WALK together for me to find a suitable grave site!

    Have offered all this pain to God for the past months and into the future for those Souls who are in Purgatory. Sounds stupid, but I have always done this since a child. It’s a Catholic thing.

    Don’t have much left to say. I guess you noticed.

    But, always be my special and very talented people I met by accident,


  2. Sounds like the perfect opportunity for a catastrophic climate crisis.
    Not like they haven’t faked a crisis before.
    Unless you count covid, J6, 9/11, impeachment, russian collusion, Ukraine, mostly peaceful protests,……

  3. I work in the day to day operations of these types of natural gas pipelines. Have for over two decades.

    There are two groups represented in the opposition to new pipes.

    NIMBY’s (Not In My Back Yard) and Banana’s (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything).

    Humans have invented not one single safer way of transporting energy than pipelines. Period, full stop.

    No method is zero risk, we are talking about ENERGY transport and in fact a shit load of it.

    Our news exposure with ‘events’, that go bad are so overwhelmingly caused by third party damage (Bubba with a backhoe) that statistically speaking that is the only reason. Yes, there are other causes but they are lost in the noise.

    I always thought it fair that plaintiffs in these suits that lose should have whatever utility they sued disconnected from every member of their organization.

  4. I know this is a “win.”

    But seriously? The “Supreme Court allows?”
    We ran off the rails somewhere.

    The 4th Circuit arrogated to themselves powers not granted by We, the People.
    We, the People, should be pissed – but we’re too busy watching Orca and drinking beer.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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