Supreme Court: It’s Not ‘Cruel and Unusual Punishment’ to Clear Homeless Encampments – IOTW Report

Supreme Court: It’s Not ‘Cruel and Unusual Punishment’ to Clear Homeless Encampments


The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on Friday that it is not “cruel and unusual punishment” under the Eighth Amendment to remove homeless people from encampments and to imprison them for repeatedly violating anti-camping laws.

The caseCity of Grants Pass v. Johnson, was watched closely by civic leaders nationwide who are struggling to deal with homelessness — especially in Los Angeles, California, where the homeless population has continued to grow.

Justice Neil Gorsuch, writing for the majority, expressed sympathy for the homeless, and acknowledged that the issue is complex and difficult to resolve. But he noted that laws against encampments were “commonplace,” and said that the Eighth Amendment was a “poor foundation” on which to mount a challenge against them. The right forum in which to debate responses to homelessness was in democratically-elected governments, not in the federal courts. more

8 Comments on Supreme Court: It’s Not ‘Cruel and Unusual Punishment’ to Clear Homeless Encampments

  1. Back when there was a genuine insurrection at Columbia University we saw all those brand new, matching tents they were staying in. I couldn’t help but think if Trump were president he’d have brought in bulldozers and solved the problem.

  2. Democrats big mad because now normal, working people don’t have to have their parks and shopping areas taking over by junkies, scumbags, and often dangerous lunatics, something the democrats absolutely strive for; so they can rake in all those federal and state “help the homeless” bucks, which, of course, the democrats pocket except for whatever they need to do to attract even more homeless people to town, like free needles, condoms, and booze shots.

  3. The “homeless” should be encouraged to camp on mountain highway runaway truck lanes. With all of their other needs taken care of by the beneficent govt, those parasites need to worry about something.

  4. That’s why we have Vagrancy laws! Hard-working, Law-abiding citizens have the right to demand a clean environment to live in! Who wants to live in the filth and aroma of B.O, shit and Bum-Piss… certainly NOT the democRATz who push their agenda on the rest of us! Fucking Hypocrites!

  5. TheMule has it right. The winners in “homelessness” are the Democrat-run cities who take in tens of billions in taxpayer monies for a problem they themselves created. It’s a vicious circle. The proof that this situation exists because of Democrat legislation and their bureaucratic policies is obvious: it didn’t exist before they took control of our cities.

    And the heinousness of their so-called logic defies reason. They purport to be driven by compassion for these souls. They purport to be motivated by their staunch defense of human rights. There is nothing compassionate or humane in enabling drug addiction by providing free needles and “shooting galleries”, and protecting dangerous addicts under the cover of law that then puts everyone else at dire risk. There is nothing remotely compassionate about encouraging people to live and sleep in filthy blankets, huddled in a doorway that’s been used as a toilet.

    There’s too much more to write about this. Suffice to say that as long as there are no deterrents for people to consider “homelessness” as a lifestyle, the problem will only get worse.

  6. ^ Hard, concrete cubicles with no furniture and with one feeding tube and waste hole. Each unit has an automatic wash down spray system that sprays hot water with Clorox once/week. Constant temperature environment.

    Wait. This sounds like a W.E.F concept! Never mind. 🤣

  7. What I envision requires some sneak, stealth, balloons, and two liquids.
    First step: fill some balloons with Clorox (liquid 1). Dressed in dark clothes (can you say PantyFag? I knew you could), in the dark of night, throw the Clorox balloons on he encampment. Hopefully that will clean the area and give a hint to the homeless to move on elsewhere. How many times you lather, rinse, repeat is up to you.
    If that doesn’t seem to be working, repeat the above, but fill the balloons with gasoline (liquid 2). (Optional) First time, just throw the balloons. Let the fumes permeate and give warning. Some may take the opportunity and leave. Second time, after throwing the balloons, throw in a lit flair. Fire is the ultimate cleanser.

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