Susan Rice Will Testify Under Oath About Spying, ‘Unmasking’ – IOTW Report

Susan Rice Will Testify Under Oath About Spying, ‘Unmasking’

Hannity: Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice will testify under oath before the House Intelligence Committee this summer; covering a host of issues including Russian interference in the 2016 general election and allegations that top Obama officials surveilled and “unmasked” senior Trump aides.

According to Fox News, the top Obama official has committed to a series of dates where she would be willing to testify, but has not yet released that information to the public.  

A spokesperson for Rice’s office confirmed she was “cooperating with the bipartisan Russia investigations conducted by the Intelligence committees, as she said she would.”

Susan Rice finds herself at the center of a media firestorm after evidence came to light that the former National Security Advisor intentionally revealed the identities of top Trump aides, and then leaked that information to the intelligence community in the run up to President Trump’s inauguration.

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20 Comments on Susan Rice Will Testify Under Oath About Spying, ‘Unmasking’

  1. Tune in later for the next episode of “Government Investigative Theatre”. It’s like Seinfeld, a show about nothing but with a much bigger budget, no laughs, and a predictable script.

  2. She’s so smug and probably thinks she can outwit anyone questioning her. Maybe that smug attitude is because she sees nothing stirring at the DOJ. Sessions, we’re waiting!

  3. She will testilie in secret to IC political hacks about classified surveillance on American cattle. It’s kabuki theater in a Potemken village of off Broadway actors.

  4. Ok, it seems she avoided testifying until all the papers concerning it were shipped to Obama’s library where the committee can’t get a hold of them. Doesn’t that mean she can lie, misremember or outright forget key points of this scanadal?

  5. An oath means nothing to a nihilistic demonic narcissistically psychopathic atheist.

    That should be obvious to all but the most severely mentally retarded by now.
    And Congress parades them to maintain the pretense of trying to do anything constructive about ridding us of this plague.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Right, Tim. “Under oath” means nothing to those people.

    I don’t get this part — what do they mean that there is “a series of dates where she would be willing to testify…”

    …willing to testify????

    If they call me to testify, I have to show up, willing or not.


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