Suspect Hiding From Cops Busted After Loud Fart Gave Away His Location – IOTW Report

Suspect Hiding From Cops Busted After Loud Fart Gave Away His Location

Let the puns begin.


A Missouri man is behind bars after a failed attempt at hiding from the police. In a viral Facebook post, the Clay County Sheriff’s Office explained how officers managed to track down the suspect, who had a felony warrant out for his arrest.

Deputies from the Liberty Police Department were searching the area using K-9 units but were not having much luck locating the suspect, who has not been identified. While they were searching the wooded, residential neighborhood, the suspect farted.

His fart was so loud that officers were able to find where he was hiding and he was taken into custody.

If you’ve got a felony warrant for your arrest, the cops are looking for you, and you pass gas so loud it gives up your hiding spot, you’re definitely having a 💩 day. 🚓 #ItHappened

The sheriff’s office told Fox2 in St Louis that the suspect was wanted for possession of a controlled substance.

“We’ve gotta give props to Liberty PD for using their senses to sniff him out!” the sheriff’s department joked to the news station.

28 Comments on Suspect Hiding From Cops Busted After Loud Fart Gave Away His Location

  1. How loud was it? If he’d let out a really stinkeroo SBD fart would it have killed the cops like the Lethal Joke did Germans? Were the cops overheard saying who cut the cheese and followed it to its source. And they were all singing, Beans, beans the musical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot, the more you toot the better you feel, let’s have beans for every meal. Or maybe they just finished watching the infamous fart scene in Blazing Saddles.

  2. was he tryin to hide the controlled substance up his arse at the time he sharted?
    if that’s the case then that controlled substance aint worth shite now

    these kinds of controlled substances usually induce IBS and should be highly avoided if you’re a criminal looking to escape the popo or the poo poo.

  3. SO, this elderly lady goes to the Doctor. Chief complaint- her friends all tell her she has very loud and very smelly farts. “Take these pills and come back in 2 weeks” the Doctor tells her. This she does and upon returning, tells the Doctor that she can smell her farts now, but still can’t hear them. “Good,” says the Doctor. “Now we will work on your hearing.”

  4. How timely. I am sitting in the SeaTac lounge waiting for my flight, and so far two people have released very audible farts. I’m thinking it’s a Seattle thing.


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