comey – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates (ex- FBI) Josh Campbell

Friday, 9 February 2018, 17:00 MJA 8

DC:  Why Did CNN Hire Comey’s Former Assistant Josh Campbell? CNN’s decision to hire former FBI Director James Comey’s assistant disturbs veteran members of the bureau, former agents told The [Read More]

Michael P Kortan Quits FBI

Friday, 9 February 2018, 3:00 MJA 16

Conservative Treehouse: Another longtime FBI official quits today. According to Fox News Catherine Herridge reporting, FBI Asst. Director Michael Kortan (aka text message “Mike”), the head of the FBI Public [Read More]

Comey’s Keystone Kops

Monday, 22 January 2018, 20:45 MJA 18

Patrtiot Retort: I couldn’t believe it when I saw the news last night that the FBI “lost” all the text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page from December 14, [Read More]

Deep thoughts by James Comey

Tuesday, 16 January 2018, 21:30 MJA 6

Powerline; Former FBI Director James Comey has been a public figure for a long time, but we are only now really getting to know him. It is difficult to fathom [Read More]

The Biggest Scandal In American History

Tuesday, 9 January 2018, 14:45 BFH 34

Conservative Treehouse: Report: Congress Looking Toward Leakers in Ongoing Dossier “Small Team” Investigation The walls continue closing in.  The STORY IS GETTING OUT. The Bigger media voices will eventually catch [Read More]

The FBI Takes a Mulligan

Monday, 8 January 2018, 17:45 MJA 17

American Spectator; Last week the FBI announced that it was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private unsecured email system while she was secretary of state and [Read More]

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