obamacare – Page 7 – IOTW Report

Indians Want Out of Obamacare

Monday, 21 September 2015, 16:15 Dr. Tar 18

They helped elect him but now Indian tribes want out of his signature program, Obamacare. When the Affordable Care Act was written, Native Americans were exempt from the Individual Mandate. [Read More]

Obamacare “Fail” Stories

Tuesday, 15 September 2015, 18:30 Cardigan 4

SharylAttkisson- The White House has helped gather many success stories born of the Affordable Care Act. Read ACA success stories here. Many people have undoubtedly been helped: for example, the [Read More]

1 in 4 Drop Obamacare

Friday, 11 September 2015, 19:15 Dr. Tar 8

There were 12.7 million people signed up for Obamacare in 2015, by the end of June there were 9.9 million left. That means roughly 1 in 4 people either dropped their Obamacare [Read More]

Obamacare, a 100% Success for Insurers

Sunday, 23 August 2015, 22:30 Dr. Tar 1

There is a provision in Obamacare, “Transitional Reinsurance Program,” that collects a tax (a “reinsurance fund” fee) from everyone who purchased health insurance last year, then it’s suppose to reimburse [Read More]

Congress Avoiding Obamacare

Tuesday, 11 August 2015, 23:45 Cardigan 9

In more ways than one. U.S. House and Senate Each Said They Had Only 45 Employees–Then Signed Up 12,359 for Insurance on Obamacare ‘Small-Business’ Exchange. (CNSNews.com) – Both the U.S. [Read More]

If Obamacare Isn’t Stopped

Friday, 31 July 2015, 17:00 Dr. Tar 7

Over time, the Affordable Care Act is going to consume private health insurance until all that is left is a single payer government controlled system.

Obamacare and The Jizya Tax

Thursday, 23 July 2015, 21:30 Cardigan 5

AllenBWest– Violate your vows, or pay up. That’s essentially what the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals told the Little Sisters of the Poor and their attorneys last week. We’ve seen [Read More]

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