polls – IOTW Report

Go Poll Yourselves Democrats

Wednesday, 19 October 2016, 14:45 Dr. Tar 13

Apparently I’m not the only one tired of the talking heads on TV blaring on endlessly about the latest polling data, like its actually reliable. It isn’t.  They are ignoring [Read More]

Hillary Crashes Below 40%

Saturday, 12 September 2015, 8:00 BFH 9

Hillary Daily-  Yesterday, I did a lunch alert video called “Hillary Collapsing” (Watch It Here!). It was based on a poll showing her at only 42% among Democratic primary voters. Now, [Read More]

The Cut

Tuesday, 28 July 2015, 15:30 Dr. Tar 27

The Washington Post has an ongoing post that shows which Republican candidates they believe are going to be in the first debate on August 10 on FoxNews.