Taliban Takes Time Off from Oppressing Women to Show Off Their Captured US Hardware – IOTW Report

Taliban Takes Time Off from Oppressing Women to Show Off Their Captured US Hardware


The Biden administration’s surrender of Afghanistan to the terrorist Taliban has been described by some as the greatest foreign policy disaster that the United States of America has suffered since the end of the Vietnam War and the enduring humiliation of that defeat continues with the Islamic extremist group that now controls the country releasing pictures of some of the billions of dollars worth of high-tech military equipment that was gifted to them when President Joe Biden cut and ran. More

7 Comments on Taliban Takes Time Off from Oppressing Women to Show Off Their Captured US Hardware

  1. People need to get it through their thick heads that Afghanistan is one of 15 countries that practice Sharia law as part of their theocratic government.
    Is the U. S. gonna westernize the entire region? Let’s charge back in there and start another war so we can demand that they give up a thousand years worth of culture. Let’s turn them all into feminists. Because, you know, it worked so well the first time.

  2. One of the tweets said ‘can’t wait for 2024’. I assume the fellow meant the election and getting rid of Biden.

    What 2024 election? They stole 2020 and a big batch of 2022, and the election systems that allowed it are largely still in place. There won’t be an election in 2024. You can vote of course, and ought to, but if you still think that your vote ‘counts’ you are delusional.

    0bama… I mean Biden… cut and ran because it weakens the US, it damages us financially and politically.

  3. It would be nice if the Biden administration, or the rest of the world for that matter, would acknowledge the genocide on a mass scale that is happening there right now. 23 million Afghans are starving and food security is being weaponized to knock any western ideas out of the heads of the people. This is ALL Biden, every corpse, but nary a peep in the legacy media, a cover-up on a grand scale.

  4. “$7 billion in abandoned U.S. taxpayer property”
    I believe that number was $85 BILLION, left behind. Where is the pictures of the M16’s, rocket launchers, ammunition, that were left behind.
    How about the 13 U.S. service members that were killed, no mention of them.


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