Target caves on allowing degenerates to go wherever they want – IOTW Report

12 Comments on Target caves on allowing degenerates to go wherever they want

  1. Oh, so now they’re “temporarily reversing” their decision? Well I’m not temporarily reversing mine. There are plenty of places to shop when I go to town and Target won’t be one of them.

  2. Well then Target should not mind if I recon the restrooms prior to my grandchildren’s use. Is it alright to ask the people I find inside if they are a perverted tranny fag or dike? “You’re not going to try and touch one of these kids or show your wrong parts to them are you?”

  3. Target needs to clear out their (giving) Head (to each other) Shed. Everyone from the Board of Directors on down should be fired. Too many light in the loafers bone smokers who want to be the first to endorse everything left. Makes no sense to suck up to .0001% of the population and irritate the hell out of 60%. They’d be better off to tell the homos, trannys, freaks, perverts, weirdos, and sickos to stay the hell out.

  4. They lost me as a potential customer several years back when then banned Salvation Army collections at Christmas, several years back. They’re idiots. looking for the favor of a minority, at the expense of the majority. I hope they fold.

    I bet Noah (peace be with him, for all the islamonuts out there) is glad he wouldn’t have to build an ark in today’s world. He’d need like 16 of everything.

  5. I guess they didn’t like the email I sent them the other day. Doesn’t matter what they reverse, I won’t be back in their store. Besides the Mooch shops there and that’s too ghetto for me.

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