Diogenes’ Middle Finger: After the last four years, either Tater’s been out in the sun too long or this is the worst case of lack of self awareness this year so far…….. more

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: After the last four years, either Tater’s been out in the sun too long or this is the worst case of lack of self awareness this year so far…….. more
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Biden is a pedophile.
Biden is a racist.
Biden is a bigot.
Communists endorse Biden.
CNN: The Clownfart News Network where all the “news” smells funny.
He’s trying to spray Biden with a protective coating of horseshit.
These are the same worthless shitbag hypocrites who trotted out an Ivy League Professor to spout off on her analysis of Trump’s mental state and then debated it for the coming months.
Negative partisanship. Are you kidding me? CNN wrote the book on negative partisanship.
It’s lack of self awareness spawned, nurtured and metastasized by an (ever shrinking) audience giving them (CNN) the feedback that they want to hear. It’s the echo chamber effect.
John AUGUST 10 1:23 PM – For that you need the CNN Manure Gun!
Of course, Stelter and other CNN / MSNBC hosts haven’t targeted The President over that last 3+ years.
AUGUST 10, 2020 AT 1:17 PM
“Biden is a pedophile.
Biden is a racist.
Biden is a bigot.”
…and Biden is a Communist.
…but, since “Democrat” means all this, and more, then the worst thing you can say about Biden is…
…he’s a Democrat.
…that’s the fithiest thing you can call a person NOW, hands down, so call him THAT, but with the proper intonation, same one you’d use to describe dog vomit or snake shit…
SNS. I have to spell it out in detail just in case some dRats are watching.
Tater is Upset About People Being Mean to Joe Biden
I take it he’s the most angry at Dr. Jill and Joey’s campaign staff.
Just for clarification, the CPUSA(Communist Party HERE) ran their own candidate from 1924 to 1984. The Hall/Davis (yes, that would be Angela Davis) was the last one.
After ’84, they’ve simply endorsed the democrat while claiming no endorsement.
But we all know commies are awful liars, don’t we?
A Hot bath, Chocolate and some Midol couldn’t hurt Bwyan
I think that’s the guy who gave a bj in a bathroom at cnn.
Given John Kerry’s bike accident resulting in a broken leg I’m surprised they let him out like that. Desperate to try to find something Joe can do without incident. Poor Brian is so distraught he even suggested Pres Trump has no one attacking him every day like poor Joe. Just bringing more attention to it Brian.
My uncle rode his bicycle into the bad part of town and it was stolen from him. He had Alzheimer’s at the time. Physical fitness does not equate to mental fitness.
ACParker- How awful! It’s like robbing a child at that point.
criticize sniffer-joe bites-it? the horror.
All negative comments about Trump in the news, and nothing about Biden. Maybe they couldn’t find anything nice to say about him. Now that says it all.