Teacher asks a question of her students and is immediately put on administrative leave pending an investigation – IOTW Report

Teacher asks a question of her students and is immediately put on administrative leave pending an investigation

A student asked the teacher what the big deal was over calling the Washington DC team “The Redskins.”

The teacher explained that it was a slur. The kid wasn’t convinced, so she asked the 90% black classroom if they would be offended by a team called the Newport News Niggers.

Done. Finished. Kaput.

You can’t even use the word as an intellectual exercise, which is exactly why there is no intellectualism in academia.

Do I feel bad? No. The teacher is most likely a leftard, and now she’s getting a dose of leftardism.

There’s a petition to get her reinstated. But that would require the administration to have an ounce of brain power.


HT/ Peter The Bubblehead

28 Comments on Teacher asks a question of her students and is immediately put on administrative leave pending an investigation

  1. “WTKR-TV reported Thursday that Pierce then said to the class, “What would you think if someone started a team called the Newport News N—-r?””

    WTF, as if by not spelling it out the word is considered unspoken?

  2. She should have known better.
    She should have also known that “redskin” is NOT an epithet, it’s a descriptor.

    Come to think of it, “nigger” is a descriptor, too.
    Great chasm between “negro” or “black” and “nigger.”

  3. You never would have heard this story if the teacher had said, “What if there was a team called the Washington White Crackers?” Or the “Hampton Honkeys?” Because no one would have been offended and the teacher wouldn’t have been suspended.

    This is what you get when feelings and microagressions trump intellectual discussions.

  4. Not just blacks but progs in general. 0bama is the substitute teacher that lets the class run wild. He’s only going to be there a little while, so he couldn’t care less. He gets to play and run amock just like his students. Meanwhile, none of them have learned anything necessary except for cheating, lying, and common core. lol

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