Ted Cruz Bashes Obama Comparing GOP To Iranians Shouting “Death To America” – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Bashes Obama Comparing GOP To Iranians Shouting “Death To America”

ted cruz points

TheLid– Texas senator and candidate for the GOP presidential nomination Ted Cruz was a guest on Wednesday evening’s Hugh Hewitt Show, one of the primary topics of their discussion was the the speech about the Iran deal President Obama made earlier in the day.
Host Hewitt began by playing part of the speech where the president crossed the line with a petty comment.

“It’s those hard-liners chanting “Death to America” who’ve been most opposed to the deal! They’re making common cause with the Republican caucus”

The senator’s reaction was a lot classier than the president deserved

9 Comments on Ted Cruz Bashes Obama Comparing GOP To Iranians Shouting “Death To America”

  1. Ted, you want to win the bebate tonight?
    You want to be President?


    This is your chance, Ted….Take it!

  2. Every day Ocommie makes another decision or statement tearing us apart as a nation. Hollywood, Academia, and Demo commies hate America and God loving Republicans more than ever. The level of trust and tolerance between blacks whites is lower than it’s ever been. More than ever, browns and blacks hate each other. Gays hate straights more than we’ve ever seen in our life times. Criminals, the media, and democrats absolutely despise the police. Teachers and their unions hate America loving Christians. Multi generation welfare rats even hate each other to the point they’re killing each other in record numbers. Hate and violence in the middle east is the worst it’s ever been. Military members do not trust the Affirmative Action gays promoted because of Ocommie. Gays and the democrats have declared war on the institution of Marriage. Unmotivated, uneducated, and irresponsible have-nothing lofos want high achievers robbed by the government. Ocommie is responsible for all these problems. These are not amateur mistakes. Inspired by the likes of Marx, Ayers, Alinsky, Cloward and Piven this is all being done by design.

  3. Did you hear Ted’s response to the question: “Are you for shutting down the government until Planned Parenthood is defunded?”

    Ted Cruz: “Well, I’m not gonna accept the premise I’m for shutting the government down, but I am not for funding Planned Parenthood. And we should not, under any circumstances, pass legislation that funds Planned Parenthood if the Democrats decide to filibuster it, if Obama decides to veto it–then he’s shutting down the government.”

    He is not going to take the poggies framing the conversation and lay blame at the Rs for the government shutdown. Last time they did that the R leadership rolled over and let Obama kick them repeatedly.


  4. 0bama = Alinsky.

    That’s all we need to know, except that Hitlery Clinton (Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife) was an Alinsky devotee – some would say worshiper – who studied at the feet of her master.

  5. The more I hear from Mr. Cruz, the more comfortable I am with him as my pick for my President.

    “My President”

    Wouldn’t it be great to have someone in the White House who is actually looking out for you again?

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