Ted Cruz Grills ICE Director About Thousands Of Criminal Illegal Aliens Released Without Charge – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Grills ICE Director About Thousands Of Criminal Illegal Aliens Released Without Charge


CRUZ: In the year 2014, how many criminal illegal aliens did the Obama administration release?

ted cruz
SALDANA: In 2014 it was a little over 30,000.

CRUZ: How many murderers?

SALDANA: Sir, I can’t remember the number right now, but I know we had the statistic that was said earlier… but I can’t provide you the exact

CRUZ: How many rapists?
SALDANA: Umm. I am not sure right now.

CRUZ: How many drunk drivers?

Yesterday, how many murderers with the Obama administration release?


15 Comments on Ted Cruz Grills ICE Director About Thousands Of Criminal Illegal Aliens Released Without Charge

  1. It’s getting harder every day to get “excited” about such grillings, when Congress sits by and refuses to impeach the President for not “execut[ing] the Office of President of the United States, and …not preserv[ing], protect[ing] and defend[ing] the Constitution of the United States.”

  2. Law? obama doesn’t need the law, he’s got a phone, pen, a nine iron and agency directors who are willing to ignore the law.

    All part of the plan to destroy the US from within.

    boehner and mcconnel continue to watch the destruction from the sidelines.

  3. To what end? What has a congressional investigation ever accomplished? Fast and Furious? Benghazi?
    Grandstanding and huffing and puffing by lawmakers with no teeth.
    Sick and tired of it.

  4. I’ve had all the 2 minute sound bites I can stand. Until something real starts happening to these traitors I’m going with the assumption they are all co-conspirators.

  5. Out of 16 candidates, Trump is the ONLY one with BALLS. The other little shits just flap their jaws and try to destroy Trump because he has their number. Maybe Cruz, but the others are just little pretty boys dying to give the PC crowd (commies) blow jobs.. Elect one of them, and AGAIN nothing will get done.
    Boehner and McConnell? Don’t make me laugh. Boehner is such a drunk that he weeps at anything, and McConnell is absolutely full of shit.

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