Ted Cruz Has Decided To Try and Grow a Beard – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Has Decided To Try and Grow a Beard

Why is this a post? Dunno.

It’s Ted Cruz, with a beard attempt. 


30 Comments on Ted Cruz Has Decided To Try and Grow a Beard

  1. Anymouse DECEMBER 5, 2018 AT 3:58 PM
    With the three suggestions I sent ya, this is what you put up here?

    Have another cup of covfefe and get to it boy…

    CORRECTION: I sent four… (At least one of them should have been worthy.)
    Screw it! Time for my nap…

  2. I can only grow a goatee and some pork chops. Around mid October, I usually quit shaving for as long as I can stand it.

    I’m not the coiffing type, so I don’t know what to do with the damn thing. It’s not curly either, like Sam Elliot, a big shop sweeping broom!

    It’s snowed enough, but the weather really hasn’t been cold. That’s usually the turning point for facial hair with me, snotcicles.

  3. I think beards are great! Mr. Illustr8r has one about 10 months out of the year. Sean Connery manly beards. Not the lumberjack columns sporting from millennial guys chin that use moisturizers and lotions and condition era to keep and soft and coiffed. These kids are going to look back at their photos and question their styling choices-it’s their version of the mullet.

  4. “He had to because people kept mixing him up with Grandpa Munster.”
    Or Robert Prosky as a cowboy.

    I like Ted … President Trump should appoint him to RBG’s seat … when she dies, of course … wouldn’t be cricket before then …

    izlamo delenda est …


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