Tell-All Book: Raging Hillary Threw Bible at Secret Service Agent’s Head – IOTW Report

Tell-All Book: Raging Hillary Threw Bible at Secret Service Agent’s Head

Breitbart: Hillary Clinton once threw a Bible at the back of a Secret Service agent’s head, part of a pattern of unhinged rage that the now-presumptive Democratic nominee exhibited, as exposed for the first time in former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne’s grueling insider account of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Byrne’s forthcoming book Crisis of Character—in which he details how the Clintons operated during his time in the U.S. Secret Service, where he protected the first couple for eight years in the White House in the 1990s. During three of those years, he was posted right outside the Oval Office. The book comes out next week.   more here

9 Comments on Tell-All Book: Raging Hillary Threw Bible at Secret Service Agent’s Head

  1. Well since most of us know she’s the Anti Christ, no shit. But by all means #NeverTrump. My head hurts and I’m buying even more ammo.

    At least Depenguin is voting for her. You go girl.

  2. the beast throwing books, vases and fits.

    how come no lie about trying out for major league baseball but being told she couldn’t because she was a girl? oh, that was the marines. sorry.

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