TENNESSEE: Vets Face 65-Day Waits – IOTW Report

TENNESSEE: Vets Face 65-Day Waits

Breitbart TV

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An analysis of government data by The Tennessean shows that veterans trying to receive a first visit to a doctor at the Nashville, TN or Murfreesboro, TN wait an average 65 days for treatment.  Only 29.6 percent of veterans received care within the 14-day target set by the VA.

Veterans seeking benefits also faced massive delays, as 57.2 percent faced waiting periods longer than the standard waiting period for benefits of 125 days.  Both The Tennessean and Nashville, TN CBS affiliate WTVF reported that the VA offices in Tennessee did not return requests for comment.



5 Comments on TENNESSEE: Vets Face 65-Day Waits

  1. As a D/V for over 20 years, I can attest to this for the hospital in East Tennessee also. Last year I had a visit with my doctor (VA Out Patient Clinic, Knoxville) in September for a right knee injury. After X-rays, they refered me to the Ortho clinic at the J.H. Quillen Hosp in Johnson City. In December! Over ninety days and even then, I only saw a Physician’s Assistant.

    So yeah, this is not news to me. I am not disparaging the medical staff. They are wonderful and caring people. Most of them. If every VA employee had the utmost intentions to provide for the Vets, the systemis simply OVERLOADED.

    The goobemint can spend millions of $ building a Data collection center in Utah but, none to improve the capacity of the VA health care system.

    That should paint a clear picture of what they have in store for us.

  2. But you can bet your ass Pelosi gets A-class medical treatment within an hour of getting the sniffles…

    I knew a vet that died a horrendous death because the VA denied him treatment. That was about 20 years ago.

  3. Billion$ for ObamaPhones, WIC, illegal aliens, Planned Parenthood, phony climate research, shrimps on treadmills, midnight basketball, teacher unions, auto unions, Wall Street, oil companies, welfare for the worthless, lazy, drug-addled, alcoholics, and indifferent, BUT nothing (or half-assed care) for our Vets?

    It’s a crying shame.

    Where the fuck are our “representatives?”

    (‘our’ being a general term; I am not a vet)

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