Terrorist Toolkit – IOTW Report

Terrorist Toolkit

These are pipe bombs that went unused in yesterday’s Muslim killing spree in Jakarta.


This is Muslim scum, dead on the sidewalk.3028B2DE00000578-3398712-image-a-48_1452770740559

We’ve seen pictures of these Muslim terrorists range from Asian, Arab, Black, White, Yellow, Brown, and are from all around the world, yet the left cannot see that the common denominator is but one thing – THE QURAN.

Asians and blacks and browns and yellows committing mass murder around the globe have nothing in common but one thing – THE QURAN.

Tell me what the shitstains in Jakarta have in common with the sh!tstains in Syria, and why their disparate problems and struggles are coincidentally solved by shouting Allahu Ackbar and killing people.


17 Comments on Terrorist Toolkit

  1. Back in 1985 I had an Iranian cab driver that enlightened me in a short 5 minute cab ride. He said “Look around the world. Notice that the vast vast majority of wars and human strife and suffering, now and through history, is caused by one group: Muslims. Fuck Muslims.” Wow. Smart cab driver.

  2. I have started to challenge libtard acquaintances, rather sharply, when they refer to islam as the “religion of peace.” I ask them if they’ve read the koran. If they hem and haw, I ask loudly, “Have you read it, or not?” Without fail, the answer is, “No.” I then tell them to go read it, and then I dare them to come back to me and look me in the eyes and tell me that islam is a “religion of peace.”

  3. Yes and no. What the Salafists have in common is the Saudis and their money. Indonesians and Pakistanis used to visit Mecca once in a lifetime if that. Now it’s the insidious Saudi influence which has had a huge influence on Indonesian and Paki muslims, because everyone goes to Mecca every other year and gets Saudi funding with Saudi strings attached. Indonesians didn’t even have ‘hijab’ until a few decades ago: oil money, easier international travel, and global social media and cell phones have turned quiet sleepy backwaters into evil jihadist swarms. Yes Iran’s revolution kind of started it, or the Afghan Mujhahideen, or Gandhi’s Khikafat friends. But the recent surge was Saudis, and Saddam seizing the post-Soviet moment to rush into the vacuum and proclaim himself Caliph. Quran was there before all this started, Saudis pay people to study it.

  4. in other news, the United Methodist Church has decided to BDS Israel………

    not unrelated, really……maybe they just think they can buy themselves some time, is all……….

    frog and scorpion?

    no……it’s more simple than that…..it’s Muslim and Anyone Else….in that story, Anyone Else ends up dead…….

    especially Israel, of whom the Lord Himself declared that “those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse Israel will be cursed.”…..too bad He didn’t mention “those who BDS Israel”….maybe that would have helped the methodists understand…..but i don’t really think so…..

    i must be reading from a different bible from the methodist one…

    no, actually, i think the methodists aren’t bothering to read the bible at all anymore……soooooo archaic…..soooooo unfashionable…..soooo out of touch with modern sensibilities…….

    open (to carving out infidel) hearts, open (to decapitating infidel) minds, open (to ISIS) doors……

    yup, that’s about right……..

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