Terry McAuliffe, Former Chair of GreenTech Automotive, Considering Presidential Run – IOTW Report

Terry McAuliffe, Former Chair of GreenTech Automotive, Considering Presidential Run


Sources close to Terry McAuliffe say that the current governor of Virginia and former Chief of GreenTech Automotive with just one plant in Tunica, Mississippi, is “seriously” considering a presidential run in 2020.


McAuliffe’s business record is questionable, to say the least, and would compare badly to the current president. His former firm had promised to produce 30,000 MyCars’ a year, but as of last January had only managed to role out 25, none of which had sold.



12 Comments on Terry McAuliffe, Former Chair of GreenTech Automotive, Considering Presidential Run

  1. He’s as cuddly as a porcupine and crooked as a dog’s hind leg.

    Bring it Terry. Let’s do real discovery on your background, including open sanctuary policy in Virginia and giving felons the right to vote.

    That’ll play real well on the national stage.

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