Tesla under investigation by SEC after another fatal crash involving autopilot – IOTW Report

Tesla under investigation by SEC after another fatal crash involving autopilot

Guardian: According to the Wall Street Journal, the SEC is scrutinizing whether the incident was “material” information that Tesla should have disclosed in a formal regulatory filing, though one source reportedly said the investigation may not lead to any kind of enforcement by the agency.

Joshua Brown died on 7 May when his Tesla Model S collided with a large truck crossing the highway in front of him in Williston, Florida. Brown, who died at the scene, was an avid fan of Tesla who had posted dozens of videos of himself using the car in its autopilot mode.  MORE


7 Comments on Tesla under investigation by SEC after another fatal crash involving autopilot

  1. You’d have to be a fucking retard to let a computer drive your car for you. But then again they are Tesla owners — we already know they are fucking retarded.

  2. I can hear Tessy in a HAL-like voice: Josh, I don’t like how you slam my doors, or how you forgot to charge me last night. Now you’re going to……..

  3. There was a movie, Judge Dread I think it was called, the cops had computer controlled flying motorcycles. They would randomly blue screen and the cops had to frantically reboot them as they hurtled to the earth.
    As Musk is working on flying cars, that movie may end up prophetic.

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