Test trial: Prostate cancer drug for pedophilia prevention – IOTW Report

Test trial: Prostate cancer drug for pedophilia prevention

UPI: The drug, Degarelix, reduces testosterone in men and is known to lower sex drive, which researchers think could help prevent children from being abused.


STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 10 (UPI) — Researchers in Sweden think treating men who report pedophilic urges with a prostate cancer drug could help prevent children from being abused.

Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden plan to start a clinical trial, Pedophilia at Risk-Investigations of Treatment or Biomarkers, or Priotab, treating men with pedophilic disorder with Degarelix, a prostate cancer drug known decrease sex drive in patients because of its effects on testosterone.  more

18 Comments on Test trial: Prostate cancer drug for pedophilia prevention

  1. Just as rape is rarely a crime of lust, but a crime to terrorize, dominate, humiliate and what not, my question is, do they know for sure that pedos are doing it for sex or are they doing it for re-enactment and power? Not all predators use their man parts to abuse.

    Won’t have a huge success rate. Might even boomerang because of anger which might be taken out on the target.

    Best advice: lock-em up and throw away the key.

  2. I find it interesting that as a nation we’ve been on the lookout/ Amber Alert for a week for a man who kidnapped his 9 year old niece in TN, and yet our government tried to vilify a soldier for whooping a rapist pedo’s ass because it was not politically prudent.

  3. QUOTE –I find it interesting that as a nation we’ve been on the lookout/ Amber Alert for a week for a man who kidnapped his 9 year old niece in TN, and yet our government tried to vilify a soldier for whooping a rapist pedo’s ass because it was not politically prudent.

    Our government is no longer part of our nation – it now stands above… Time for an uprising.

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