Texas: Voter fraud ring was allegedly funded by Democrat Party executive director – IOTW Report

Texas: Voter fraud ring was allegedly funded by Democrat Party executive director

BPR: Four Texas women who were indicted earlier this month for running a veritable voter fraud ring that had preyed on the elderly to secure votes for the Democrat Party have been found to have allegedly been funded by a Democrat politician.

According to court documents filed last week in the cases of Leticia Sanchez, Leticia Sanchez Tepichin, Maria Solis and Laura Parra, their operation had been funded by former Tarrant County Democrat Party executive director Stuart Clegg.

The filing by the office of Attorney General Ken Paxton specifically accused Sanchez, the group’s leader, of distributing money “received from Stuart Clegg” to more than four women — including her three co-defendants — for the purposes of altering mail-in ballots.

“The [filing] states that Sanchez obtained or directed others to obtain signatures from elderly voters under false pretenses and/or intimidation, caused innocent or non-responsible third parties to forge signatures of incapacitated or absent voters and forged signatures on mail-in ballot applications,” the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported.

Listen below as one of the group’s victims, a blind Fort Worth woman by the name of Minnie Barela, describes to the paper how Sanchez tricked her into signing her boyfriend’s ballot: more here

6 Comments on Texas: Voter fraud ring was allegedly funded by Democrat Party executive director

  1. Here in Oregon where ALL the ballots are mail-in, it is called “granny shopping”; “helpful” people go to nursing homes and retirement homes and offer to help elderly fill out their ballots and mail them. Nobody wants to bother investigating and prosecuting.

  2. Tony R, it’s even worse. Family member lives in group facility, Aloha, for adults with severe mental limitations. In her case, Down’s Syndrome. Cannot read, write, communicate past unintelligible grunts. Employee’s parking lot full of democrat bumper stickers. Relative magically registered as a Democrat 14 years ago. Based upon conversations with relatives of others residents, sure looks like a lot of residents became democrats at the same time. And they vote every election. Imagine that.

  3. This kind of excrement is an attempt to over throw the Republic. To negate 1 person 1 vote. Anyone caught doing this should have the charge of “Treason” added and if found guilty should be shot like the dog that they are.


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