Devout Catholic Joe
Patriot Retort:
Now I confess, I’m not a devout Catholic. So I can’t say definitively whether a devout Catholic would know how to pronounce “Psalms” or “Psalmist.” But I suspect they can.
My family have been members of the Scottish Covenanter Church for generations. Here in the US, we’re called “Reformed Presbyterians.” And we Covies, as we fondly call ourselves, are intimately familiar with the Book of Psalms because, unlike most denominations that sing hymns, we only use the Psalms for singing.
That said, it would come as a surprise to me to learn that a devout Catholic wouldn’t know how to pronounce “Psalm” or “Psalmist.” more
No no no.
Good one Brad.
Beijing Biden has had his palm out for decades. Grease it and he’ll give you what you asked for.
Why, he’s had it out so many times that somebody wrote a book about.
If Joe has been to Mass anytime in the last 55 years, he would have heard a Psalm recited or sung. It happens at every Mass,
Far be it from me to cast dispersions, but this guy is a dipshit.
(yes, the “dispersions” is a joke)
‘The Book Of Palms’ … all about ‘handjobs’ …. so it fits
definitely fits for ol’ Joe the Primo Pedo
What is the difference between an Anglican and a Roman Catholic?
Anglicans can’t speak Latin.
Wouldn’t the Holy water have burned him if he went to church?
Catholics who bother to go to mass a few times a year are well aware of what the Psalms are and the pronunciation of the name.
Corinthians 2:14, in a somewhat longer statement explains as paraphrased here, that: ‘only those with the spirit of God are able to discern the things of God’.
Biden can’t figure out what he is parroting off of his teleprompter as he is so far away from our Creator that
he is traveling in a deep and very dark place in his mind.
The Book of Face Palms – Joe Hiden Biden–oxJjm6Ki–/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/189ardhezkuewpng.png
Psalmist or Palm ist?
I am a partially college educated, mostly self educated, self employed tinker. If I was going to speak to some 3rd graders, I would at least review what I was going to say.
So how could someone pretending to the the next President of the United States, not do the same? Or he did read over it and still fu¢ked it up.
I will not drag myself further into the outhouse by hearing anything the befuddled old man has to say.
this idiot is the odds on next president….
that should be enough for you to be sharpening your pitchforks and firing up your torches…..
Understanding those biblical psalms can get hairy (Ahem, as in
difficult, dodgy, prickly, problematic, thorny, tough, tricky).
hey timbuk….yeah, maybe…..but are they PALMS?
was David a palmist?…..has anyone ever heard him called a palmist before?…..
well, obviously, “DEVOUT CATHOLICS” lol…..
probbly believes in phrenology, as well…
Palmist. The funnest I’ve seen on this so far.
My Petey B’s favorite picture book is “The Many Sides, Angles, and Close Ups Of Chasten’s Unbleached Elastic Starfish!”
Joe Biden has been a lover of the palms for a long time.
A few examples:
Palms in her hair
Palms on her face
Palms on her shoulders
Palms around her waist
Yes Joe knows all about the plams!
Not to be confused with obongo and corpsemen….. cofveve!
Regarding Petey B’s favorite picture book, does it have scratch & sniff on every page?