The Boxers – IOTW Report

The Boxers

trump cruz boxer bitch fight


Googie- I hear through the grapevine that there is scuttlebutt that people don’t like my picture. I hear that they say Cruz never attacked Trump’s wife. I tend to side with that account and I believe him. HOWEVER, I personally know people on the other side who think the anti-Trump PAC is somehow tied to Cruz.

I think this whole situation is a mess. I think the bickering between the “No vote for Cruz” and the “No vote for Trump” people and burn the whole place down and give it to Hillary is BUNK!!! – More

27 Comments on The Boxers

  1. Googie nails it for me. The vehement Trumpsters and the equally vehement #Never Trumpster folks will hand this election to Hillary Clinton. While you assholes (yeah, I said it) are resting on the superiority of your principles and convictions – the Butcher of Benghazi will have won the Whitehouse.

  2. There’s an ORGANIZED web site and twitter campaign holding the election HOSTAGE because of their personal aversion to Donald Trump. I don’t see an organized “never Cruz” campaign of “I’ll vote for Hillary before I vote for Cruz”
    I do see assholes saying they’ll not vote (a vote for Hillary) or actually vote for Hillary before Trump.
    I’ve grown to hate Ted SCruz over this campaign because of the combination of his LAWYER/POLITICAL/PREACHER bullshit and his DIEHARD supporters that threaten to elect Hillary if they don’t get their way.
    Those babies are fucking up a great opportunity to FINALLY BUST UP the CORRUPT REPUBLICAN party. Instead they just want to FEED THE BEAST with ANOTHER BULLSHIT POLITICIAN.

  3. Go preach your bullshit elsewhere Ted.
    There are still plenty here that don’t agree with your bile and venom.
    Sounds like you could spend your sole objective in a place where you may sway somebody with your lies and propaganda.
    Low info voters perhaps?

  4. Ted Cruz: Trump is responsible for anarchist violence at this rallies, Trump is responsible for the NE story about my (alleged) dalliances, Trump is responsible for splitting the GOP, Trump is to blame for ______________ .

    Ted Cruz actually does sound very presidential — just like president obola.

  5. BB — So do I. Can’t believe I ever thought he’d make a good president. He’d be the easiest to manipulate because he’s made himself vulnerable to to everyone and he’s over-eager and will say anything.

  6. Could someone please put an end to the “Here’s Your Scoop” spam of obvious proven fraud images?

    Good god, some people just need to go away.

    I have been on here for years and I have never seen such annoyance.
    What are they 12 years old?

    Do you Trump supporters really want to be associated with this kind of deliberate smear?

  7. AA, I can’t vote for the snake. The dudes covered in a Crisco he’s so slippery. And yea, he’s been banging other women. His appearance in front of a camera with out his wife was telling. His appearance in front of a camera with Carly is damning. How medicated does he have his wife right now?

  8. Brad, if you show me specific actual PROOF that Cruz had an affair I will plant a Trump sign in my yard.

    The thing is, you cannot produce any solid evidence.
    Yet you keep perpetrating the lie that Ted Cruz is drowning in his own iniquity.

    It is not because I care about his fidelity, I will just be giving up on the whole thing because I can’t trust shit anymore and then it simply becomes the lesser of two evils to me.
    Because I don’t trust Trump either.

    BTW, Trump is no Saint regarding infidelity.
    Just sayin’

  9. Brad, if you show me specific actual PROOF that Cruz had an affair I will plant a Trump sign in my yard.

    That will appear at the GOP convention my friend. Watch and see. Cruz is still a useful tool for the GOP to help defeat Trump to protect their money train.

  10. (Mar. 27, 2016) — At approximately 6:21 p.m. EDT, North American Law Center (NALC) lead attorney Stephen Pidgeon stated on the TNALC radio show that NALC has obtained “intelligence” and documentation from Canada showing that presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz was strictly a Canadian citizen throughout his life.

  11. Hillary doesn’t even have to try. Bernie’s on the democrat side getting just enough attention for the DNC to pretend there’s a campaign going on and the republicans are killing themselves off to split the vote and hand the election to her on a silver platter.

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