The Coup de Grâce for Nikki Haley’s Presidential Aspirations – IOTW Report

The Coup de Grâce for Nikki Haley’s Presidential Aspirations

AmericanThinker –

By Janet Levy

“I don’t think he’s going to be in the picture. I don’t think he can. He’s fallen so far.” Thus spoke Nikki Haley — former South Carolina governor, former ambassador to the UN, and now presidential aspirant — exposing once again her self-serving bona fides. In denigrating Donald Trump, the establishment Republican ended up revealing to Trump’s loyal base of 75-80 million supporters just how much she is motivated by opportunism. Also, just how out of touch she is with the rank and file.

Haley’s betrayal of President Trump took the form of a forceful condemnation: “We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him again.  And we can’t let that ever happen again.” The timing of the tirade couldn’t have been more opportune: for maximum political effect, she released it just before Trump’s legal team presented his defense.

Making common cause with Democrats and disaffected

Republicans, she held Trump responsible for the January 6th Capitol riot, disingenuously telling members of the Republican National Committee that the president “will be harshly judged by history.” Does she believe her own words, or is this political theater? She was surely privy to Trump’s several recordings, importuning followers “to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” She would also have been aware of other events that exonerated Trump from the false charges of fomenting a so-called “insurrection.” Many publications reported that planning for the Capitol attack occurred openly online for weeks. Known Antifa members disguised in MAGA attire played a part in the riots, as did at least one prominent Black Lives Matter activist. Despite knowing this, she chose to blame the president for political advantage.

Haley gratuitously stated that she’s “deeply disturbed” by Trump’s actions since the election, adding, “The person that I worked with is not the person that I have watched since the election.” She gave no credence to evidence of election fraud but made this insidious statement: “I understand that genuinely, to his core, he believes he was wronged.”

This was not the first time the former ambassador used her political pulpit to slur the president.  In 2017, she referenced a maliciously mischaracterized episode to proclaim that Trump “was wrong with his words in Charlottesville.” Again, it has been repeated often enough that Trump unequivocally observed that “there were very fine people on both sides” of the Robert E. Lee Park-naming protest and distinctly stated, “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”   read more

21 Comments on The Coup de Grâce for Nikki Haley’s Presidential Aspirations

  1. Wait till the RInos pull the ‘Woman Card’ as a reason to vote for Nikki Hailey. Send us money and your votes so that she’ll be the first “Republican Female President!” She’ll represent you Moms, working mothers blah blah blah.

    Sorry, no. I don’t vote by any gender he/she/they or by guilt or group.

    Orange Man Good. 👍👍🇺🇸

  2. There used to be a saying that the world would be a much kinder and gentler place if only women were in charge. Let’s see; Exhibit A; Pelosi, Feinstein, Whitmer, Merkel, the Swedish and Aussie bitches, etc.
    Exhibit B; Schumer, Romney, McConnell, etc. Yes I said women.

  3. She can always be the curator (or is that curatrix?) of the confederate flag she removed from the state house grounds and relegated it to the museum. Out of sight, out of mind.

  4. Fallen?

    EVERYTHING Trump has said has been proven to be 100% correct:

    Vaccines in less than a year (weather you want one or not)
    Therapeutics that work (if you need them)
    Global collusion (Time mag)
    Russian Hacking of critical USA computer systems (60 min last week end)
    Green Energy diverting $$$ away from PROPER Infrastructure maintenance and design. (Texas)
    Warning of Demo’s emboldening US enemies (Iran, Myanmar, China)
    Southern boarder already falling apart.
    Mass Global Censorship.
    Cuomo’s Nursing Home Incompetence.
    Repeal of the 2nd Amendment (the real reason the guardsmen are in the capitol)

    Got it Nikkie!

  5. Haley was known to wear multiple masks years before the covid19 pandemic mandates. The establishment main stream media, try as they might, did their best to apply a different shade of lipstick on this Pig as they continued to bludgeon principled conservative republicans. The majority of principled republicans continued to see the same self serving Pig.

    Haley’s National aspirations will remain at the feet of every Southern statue that was removed honoring the actions and words of proud Americans who chose to stand on principle with no mask at all.

  6. Ms. Haley burned her bridges on any political aspirations when she threw President Trump in the garbage. She is done, kaput, fini, over, the has-been RINO that she is. I don’t know about you all, but I never really trusted her.

  7. She was always blowing around like a weathervane in a twister and as about as trustworthy.
    She was also so lost in the DC/MSM machine lies that she swallowed them to the point she believed she could say that shit and “go to the head of the class” instead of head first into the crapper.

  8. “I don’t think he’s going to be in the picture. I don’t think he can. He’s fallen so far.”

    Well that pretty much speaks to her powers of observation and her ability to connect with the American people. She thinks herself part of the favored few, above and apart from the unwashed masses. She and Donald Trump are polar opposites in that regard.

    Besides, she is a fucking opportunist and a See You Next Tuesday.

  9. The idiot blew up the bridge and now wants to climb on board the Donald Trump Ferry across the river. The best I would have to offer her is a chicken wire canoe and a paddle.

  10. Haley’s not as bright as everyone thought. Her low integrity aside – what a dumb move.

    But what this does show is the depth of the scum infesting the GOP: she would’t have risked betraying Trump if she didnt know the GOP was entirely rats secretly aligned with the democrats – against all of us.

  11. Haley is representative of the leadership of the republican party. This is a big problem because national, state and local leadership are all represented by her attitude. While there are certainly individuals in leadership positions who are responsible, reliable, conservative people the broad majority are weak kneed weathervanes who suck the tit of ‘public opinion’ as broadcast by the leftist media writ large. The base of Trump’s two election victories, the second much more massive than the first, are people republican leadership hates and fears just as the democrats do. People like Haley can run but they won’t obtain any significant part of the base.
    The republican party is in deep doo doo at this point. We deplorables won’t cotton to any obvious weaklings and may well just stay away rather than vote democrat lite again.

  12. @ Walter Johnson – We deplorables won’t cotton to any obvious weaklings and may well just stay away rather than vote democrat lite again.

    Allow me to add that additionally we really need to start fighting like it matters…
    cuz it does!!

  13. And if the GOPe wants Haley, Haley we will have, or whoever else they choose. They will NEVER again allow an outsider like President Trump to win a nomination again. So we will be forced to hold our noses and vote (if there’s an election) for either the Rino or the Democrat, e.g. McCain, Romney. I’ve never wanted to be so wrong in my life.


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