The ‘CREEPER’ bill – IOTW Report

The ‘CREEPER’ bill

Floridian: It’s hard to believe that individuals who are sexually attracted to children exist in this world, but they do, and the business of pedophilia is booming. People are actually profiting from the sexual exploitation of babies and are even selling sex dolls that resemble children.  Words can’t describe how disturbing and sick this is.

Florida State Senator Lauren Book (D), who authored a law — CREEPER Act – to outlaw lifelike child sex dolls in Florida is now backing Rep. Vern Buchanan’s effort in the U.S. House of Representatives to outlaw the disgusting dolls nationwide. more

20 Comments on The ‘CREEPER’ bill

  1. I feel like we are living during a high tech fall of Rome.
    I wonder if the Libertarians will come out against this. They seem to oppose any and all laws prohibiting behaviors.

    I agree with
    10 dots

    That we have to even debate this is sick.
    The devil is working overtime, eh?

  2. Sex with children was common during the Roman Republic and Empire. Parents would send their male kids out in the street wearing a kind of a tight breech cloth that would emphasize the buttocks. The kids were expected to bring home money.

    We wonder what we have to do to kick Satan out of our lives.

  3. What do you expect from a society that values killing babies in the womb? A society that celebrates abortion already has objectified said babies as commodities for medical research and social experimentation for exploitation amusement.

    Satan’s ultimate plan of destruction, humiliation, and elimination of God’s creation seems to be working.

    But do not be dismayed for God will not be mocked nor defeated. Jesus has triumphed over death and offered us a choice of a future with God or a future with out him — Heaven or Hell?

    Jesus was convicted and sentenced to death for sins he did not commit (our sin) was resurrected, defeating death and reconciling us to the Father if we believe and ask Him into our hearts, He will return and end the evil in human and Nephilim hearts that rebelled against Him.

    The targeting and destruction of children is an ancient evil of the demon s created when the fallen sons of God came to earth to take up the rolls of the ancient gods. Search your bible for this story – I assure you friends it is there.

    Come Lord Jesus.

  4. AnonTrooper SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 AT 2:06 PM
    “Execute pedophiles after conviction. Swiftly and without appeals. I favor old fashioned millstones.”

    Absolutely. They WILL recidivate. They are PROUD of what they do. They won’t even lie to the Police OR the judge about it in many cases, and will say IN OPEN COURT they will do it again once their statutory time is served. They are sick fucks who have thrown over their basic humanity and NEED to be summarily executed before they ruin another child and start a NEW sick fuck cycle.

    Don’t know where they get this “Hard to believe” bullshit, though. It’s only hard to believe if you refuse to understand there IS evil in this world, there ARE evil people in this world, and Democrats have cultivated and fostered them and even include them in their leadership ranks, so the only “hard to believe” aspect is that ANYONE doesn’t understand that half the Country is planning to vote for an obvious pedophile in November, for no reason in many cases OTHER than the media is TELLING them Orange Man Bad and has been telling the same lies to them to that effect FOR FOUR DAMN YEARS…

  5. Demonrats are defending Netflix and their release of soft core child porn. The Overton Window has been an active tool of Satanists for decades.

    Slowly make all perversions acceptable through incremental cultural shifts in education, entertainment, and mass media. Until the point we are at now where homosexuality and transgenderism are commonplace and acceptable.

    Next is pedophilia. Think of the cultural rot we have tolerated since the sixties. It’s not unimaginable that sex with children will be as acceptable as killing them in the womb has become.

    Lucifer understands and is active on the earth, we are just frogs in a pot letting the temperature of child sex rise one degree at a time.

  6. …and when considering modes of execution, castration is fine PROVIDED that it is done by pulling it off with a piano wire behind the testicles connected to a pickup truck bumper, but ONLY if you leave them to bleed out afterwards.

    Castration does NOT stop the rapes, it just forces them to use improvised tools. I got yelled at here, justly, by AA once for beihg a bit too frank about this before, though, so I won’t do that now, but be aware that child rape is about POWER, not sex, so the rapist WILL continue to exercise that power with whatever comes to hand, and some of this does even WORSE damage to the child than even an infected penis would.

    Don’t forget there are FEMALE molesters, too, though, not sure what you could do to administer poetic justice to THEM, although breaking fingers and installing a massive clit ring for that pickup truck might be a good start…

  7. …they will use Islam to justify pedophilia in the end. After all, their “Perfect Man” raped a 9 year old as confirmed in their holiest book. Are they to do LESS?

    As Communist do, they will use our own Constituion as a club against us, saying that it’s a First Amendment issue as they do ONLY for their OWN causes, and normalize it that way, calling you a “racist” if you don’t go along because SOME Muslims are swarthy, even though Islam is NOT a race. This will happen whether or not they win the Presidency, pedophilia is too important to them.

    Muslims and Democrats have common cause and common perversions. Rest assured they will work together to normalize THIS.,h_507,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/0e1680_4fd1cbd4b27c44e8b1766783a7f44cb6.webp

  8. @Miss Kitty

    We need to pray for Pres. Trump, our country. and each other. There is hope in our hearts if we have the evrlasting promise of Jesus residing there. This is good news.

    Have faith – I’m becoming more positive by not buying into the crap anymore — I’m even starting to watch movies again — Pure Flix of course. It’s a heck of a lot different than Netflix for sure.

  9. There seems to be an almost universal sex offender status or violent child abuse background among the ANTIFA who make it into the news. Does this come as a surprise to anyone? I know it doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone who is a dedicated follower of the progressive movement. They know all about it and explain it away or justify it.

    I have lived around and carefully observed the sonsabitches for going on six decades, and as stated in the posts above, they are proud of their sexual perversions. It goes beyond that though, their identity is wrapped up in their sexual perversions.

    They have thrown in with Lucifer. Their public persona is totally counterfeit. If they claim to follow any Christian religion, you can rest assured it will be some bastardized concept that Jesus would never recognize as consistent with his teachings or recommend.

    Oh, they will pick and choose aspects of Christianity that they think will serve to advance their political agenda, but on whole they are far too arrogant to not remake Jesus in their own image and/or accept the tenets of any religion that does not align with their basest instincts.

  10. Pedophilia is terrible enough but there’s something worse that much more readily explaines the 1,000s of young children that go missing every year.

    It’s called adrenochrome. Google it and know the horror.

    You’ll find stories calling it a crock as well.

  11. I think we all agree on this subject.

    A liberal (not progressive) friend, while talking on the phone this morning, happened to bring up NetFlix. Talking about her China Plague shut-in status, said “Thank goodness for NetFlix…” I siezed the opportunity to: “Oh, I’m glad you brought that up. You’ll want to know about this because I know you care about the welfare of children.” (I didn’t know any such thing, except that that’s what liberals always say they care about, right?)

    Well… it went about the way I expected. She got herself off the virtue signalling hook by saying, “Oh, but didn’t NetFlix decide to drop that?” I told her, yes, I think they had, but not without some huge pushback from all kinds of groups. That they even produced something like that was pretty disgusting. No ice. She’s good with NetFlix because they saw the light.

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