The Democrats’ Leftward Lurch Is Sinking Joe Biden In Florida – IOTW Report

The Democrats’ Leftward Lurch Is Sinking Joe Biden In Florida


MIAMI, Fla. — Democrats are facing a problem in Florida.

In a must-win battleground with 29 electoral votes up for grabs, the critical swing state President Trump flipped by a razor-thin margin four years ago has remained the epicenter of the southern campaigns. California Sen. Kamala Harris made Florida her first stop as Joe Biden’s running mate, and Trump came to the state twice last month. Ivanka Trump visited as well. Biden even made an appearance in Florida, marking one of the few rare occasions the 77-year-old didn’t call a morning “lid” canceling that day’s campaign schedule.

There’s no path to the White House for Trump without Florida. The president can hold on to two of the three Midwestern “blue wall” battlegrounds of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, but would still lose the White House without the Sunshine State.

However, recent polling suggests that Democrats are having a tough time in this key southern state, where an unexpected group of voters is fleeing the Democratic Party. Hispanics, a once-reliable voting bloc for Democrats, appear to be breaking for Trump in growing numbers. Trump is expected to capture 36 percent of the Hispanic vote in November, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll conducted shortly after the party conventions. While that’s far from a majority, it’s also far higher than the president’s overperformance among this group in 2016, when the president took 29 percent of the Hispanic vote. That was better than Mitt Romney’s 27 percent in 2012 but short of John McCain’s 31 percent in 2008.

Zoom into Florida today, though, and Trump is winning among Hispanic voters 50 percent to Biden’s 46 percent, according to a recent NBC/Marist survey out last month.

An even closer look at Miami-Dade County shows where the problem lies. A Democratic stronghold carried by Hillary Clinton by 30 points in 2016, Biden leads there by 17 just percent. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 70 percent of the county is Hispanic.

There’s a reason former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg just rolled out a $40 million ad blitz to run in all 10 media markets of the Sunshine State this week, nearly half of the $100 million the former presidential candidate and New York mayor has pledged to spend on Biden’s behalf. It’s because Biden is losing.

While there’s a litany of reasons Democrats’ grip on Florida’s Hispanic voters appears to be slipping, it’s the Democratic Party’s lurch to the left that’s mostly to blame.

Horrors of Socialism Fresh Among Florida Hispanics

While the first post-revolutionary wave of Cuban migrants to the United States came several decades ago, memories of the atrocities under Fidel Castro’s communist regime remain fresh in the minds of Cuban emigres and their descendants in South Florida. read more

5 Comments on The Democrats’ Leftward Lurch Is Sinking Joe Biden In Florida

  1. “the Hispanic vote”

    Sigh. That is such a misleading term. In Florida, many different nationalities comprise the overall term “Hispanic”, which is sort of a catch-all for people whose ancestry originates in countries where Spanish is spoken widely. Depending on who you talk to, it also includes Brazilians.

    It would be like lumping all English speaking people into one classification: Anglos. Which would mean US and UK citizens, Canadians, Australians, etc. I can assure the author that not all English speakers comprise one monolithic voting bloc.

    Cubans and Venezuelans would both abhor socialism or communism. At least in my experience. Puerto Ricans and Mexicans, not so much. Again, in my experience. There are very conservative Puerto Ricans, but they tend to be older. The younger ones, at this time, seem to have different ideas. The Colombians seem to be split.

    My main concern in Florida are the people who have moved here from the mid-Atlantic, Northeastern and Mid-western states and retain their liberal focus. They’re the ones who almost gave us Andrew Gillum for a governor. They really, really suck. And they think they are God’s gift to Florida, no joke.


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