The End is Definitely Near – What Once Caused Shame is Now a Source of PRIDE – IOTW Report

The End is Definitely Near – What Once Caused Shame is Now a Source of PRIDE

Their mantra is “Equality For All, ” as if what they do is marginalized unfairly.

ht/ jd hasty

29 Comments on The End is Definitely Near – What Once Caused Shame is Now a Source of PRIDE

  1. Still haven’t figured out what they’re proud of.
    Proud of perversion?
    Proud of lust?
    Proud of Satan?
    Proud of licking their own shit off others’ dicks (or dildos as the case may be)?
    Proud of defying God?

    All of the above?

    I don’t get it – I thought we took pride in our accomplishments – our successes – our triumphs – not in our sordid depravities – our shame.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Yet a nuther group of fruitcakes from the Island of Busted Ass Toys! Somebkdy tell ’em that Honey Badgers and Civets need love too!

    I almost think I’d pay money to see those encounters!!

  3. I’ve been saying it for years. There will be no “end times.” God has completely given up on this joint and we’re to be left to stew in our own juice. Prove me wrong.

  4. I’m pretty sure there is a lot of crossover in these groups after all there are now dogs with monkeypox on their butt’s that just happen to live with their owners who also have monkeypox. Explain that.

  5. General Malaise,

    We are in the End Times right now. This story is proof, along with all the other stories of the day. It’s not a matter of, “Well, this has always been going on, but now we just hear about it because of technology.” Yes, it has been going on, but the key difference is it hasn’t been going on at the numbers and at the pace, and it hasn’t been celebrated with parades and in-depth, sympathetic interviews by magazines and newspapers. Just what this thread is posted for. These sins are now being considered a source of “pride” instead of shame.

    Read the book of Revelation. It’s in there, and God keeps his promises.

  6. A few years ago there was a news item about a guy in Washington State or Oregon (of course) that tried to have sex with a horse.

    The horse kicked him to death. Score a point for the animals.

  7. The video is too depressing to watch. The screen shoot makes me so sad and angry. These unrepentant, sick bastards will burn in Hell. BTW, Second the motion, Conservative Cowgirl.

  8. abigail…you’re correct; this has always been going on. the difference is that now, THEY’RE PROUD of it! they should all be hiding their disgusting perversions from decent society and kill themselves when they can’t stand the shame anymore. and what’s WORSE is there are people who applaud them for their “bravery” and tell them “it’s ok to be who you are”

  9. These cockroaches no longer scurry under the cover of darkness to hide their evil and sins.

    Allowing gay marriage literally opened this can of worms and caused the slippery slope we now see ourselves in.

    God have mercy on this country 🙏


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