The GOP Debate, Donald Trump Wounded Warrior Fundraiser Live Blog Extravaganza – IOTW Report

The GOP Debate, Donald Trump Wounded Warrior Fundraiser Live Blog Extravaganza

11:00: And that’s the debate! Good night everyone!

10:59: Cruz: “Who do you know?” You know me.

10:58: Rubio: When I am President, “America’s light will shine again.”

10:57: Carson reads Constitution’s preamble. “Enough said.”

10:57: Bush: I am going to fix the mess that is Washington DC and defeat Hillary Clinton.

10:56: Christie: I understand terrorism because I thought I might have lost my wife on 9/11.

10:55: Kasich: We can solve problems and “set the tune” as conservatives.

10:54: Paul: I am a fiscal conservative.

10:50: Carson: 2/3rds of Americans live “bicoastally.”

10:49: Carson on ethanol: I’m very against the government being in our lives.
10:48: “I will tear down the EPA’s blend wall.” -Cruz

10:47: Cruz: We should look into producing more ethanol.

10:46: Bush: Words matter. We can’t make blanket statements that demonize entire religions.
10:46: Bush: I’m missing Donald Trump.

10:43: Paul goes after Bill Clinton’s sexual proclivities.

10:39: Commercial break.
10:39: Christie: Clinton does not take responsibility for things she’s done wrong.

10:38: Kasich: The future is more important than money.
10:37: Kasich: We need to have a coalition to slap sanctions on Iran if they betray the nuclear deal.

10:35: Iran wants to lead all Muslims on the face of the planet. -Rubio

10:34: Carson: We need to fight Russia economically.
10:33: Rand Paul: Abortion should be a state issue if Roe v. Wade was reviewed.

10:31: Rand Paul: Abortion is always wrong.

10:30: Rubio: US is the most generous nation on earth.
10:27: Christie: if gay people come in to get a marriage licence, they should get it.

10:26: Kasich: The Republican plan is economic growth.

10:21: The days of the Clintons in public housing is over. -Christie
10:20: Christie: I helped job growth in NJ, “the best in 50 years.”

10:19: “Bernie Sanders is a great candidate for President… in Sweden.” -Rubio
10:18: There is only one savior: Jesus Christ. -Rubio

10:17: Rubio: I can’t wait to run against Hillary Clinton.

10:16: “Hillary Clinton should not be President of the United States.” -Bush

10:15: Cruz: “I am not the candidate of career politicians in Washington.”
10:14: Trump talks about his family; and his rally is over!

10:13: Bush: “We should be a welcoming nation.”
10:13: Carson: “There are people out there who want to destroy us.”

10:12: Trump: “We’re going to win at every single level.”

10:11: Christie: Let’s be honest, Cruz and Rubio are both flip-floppers.
10:10: Cruz and Rubio getting into it, arguing which one is the biggest hypocrite.

10:09: Cruz: Ask Jeff Sessions, he’s got my back.

10:07: Donald Trump calls up “Diamond and Silk.”

10:07: “We can solve immigration.” -Cruz
10:06: Trump returns to the stage.

10:05: Fox showing videos of Cruz fighting in favor of Gang of Eight bill.

10:04: Rubio: We must come to a consensus to end the immigration crisis.

10:03: Bush: Rubio “cut and ran.”
10:02: Bush: buy my book! It’s cheap, “I promise you.”

10:01: Bush: Rubio didn’t support amnesty? He supported the Gang of Eight bill.

10:00: Fox plays videos of Rubio saying he’d never support amnesty.
9:58: Vet: “You are worth fighting for.”

9:56: Vet: saying thank you has tremendous value to veterans.

9:55: Rubio: I have never been in favor of Cap and Trade.

9:54: People in the government should be servants. -Kasich
9:53: Vet at Trump rally: How can you be an ISIS member when you know the US can destroy you?

9:52: Bush: We shouldn’t bail out Puerto Rico. “If I was Puerto Rican, I would vote for statehood.”

9:51: Cruz: We need to allow people to buy health insurance across state lines.

9:50: ObamaCare is a disaster and job killer. -Cruz

9:49: Christie: Let’s get rid of Planned Parenthood funding.

Trump Vet
9:44: Paul: We should look into body cameras for all police and take another look at the War on Drugs.

9:43: Trump: I’m leading in every national poll.

9:42: Bush: We need to fix the VA. Only three people have been fired even though vets died.

Three Guys

9:41: Kasich: To defeat ISIS, we need to build a coalition, like the one at the start of the First Gulf War.

9:40: Kasich: The government needs to be empowered to decrypt messaging.
9:39: Huckabee: Americans must be thankful for our veterans.

9:38: Carson: We must stop political correctness from dictating our policies.

9:38: Santorum: We must treat our vets better.

9:37: Christie: We should not profile Muslims.

The Three Amigos

9:35: Trump introduces Huckabee and Santorum.

9:34: Paul: It’s a huge mistake to close down mosques.

9:34: Rubio: “Radical Islam is not hate talk, it’s hate action.”

9:33: Trump: I bet Jeb Bush is asking for me at the debate. “He’s low energy.”

9:32: Rand: We must get Syria right.

9:31: Rubio: I will not leave, no matter what you ask me.

9:30: Cruz, mocking Trump: You guys are mean and I might just leave.

9:30: Trump: I was offered 10 or 20 million dollars.

9:28: It’s only popular now to talk about terrorism since the Paris attacks. I was talking about it before that. -Bush

9:28: Cruz tries to talk over moderator.

9:26: Christie: what America needs to be afraid of is Hillary Clinton being President. “She is not qualified to be President of the United States.”

9:24: Trump briefly interrupted. The crowd takes exception:

9:23: Commercial during debate. Donald Trump listing people who have donated money, including himself.

9:22: Trump at his rally:

9:21: Obama terrible for military. -Cruz

9:20: Rubio: The only budget that Cruz ever voted for cut the defense budget.

9:20: “This is like the Academy Awards. This is like the Academy Awards.” -Trump

9:19: Cruz: We must utterly destroy ISIS.

9:19: Trump: “I didn’t want to be here, to be honest.”

9:18: Trump has arrived.
9:18: We need people who can solve problems. -Carson

9:17: Carson: I do not have a political title.

9:16: Trump’s children arrive at WW rally.

9:15: Kasich: There are three lanes: the establishment lane, anti-establishment lane, and the Kasich lane.

9:14: Trading liberty for security is not worth it.

9:14: Rubio: I respect Rand, he says what he believes.

9:13: Cruz: You’ve got to get conservatives.

9:12: Rand Paul: Ted “didn’t show up” at the audit the fed vote.

9:11: Live video of Trump rally right here on iOTW Report:

9:10: Christie: “The government doesn’t work” for the average person.

9:09: Bush: We need someone to take on Hillary Clinton who has a proven record.

9:08: Jeb Bush: “I trust Iowans” and “I miss Donald Trump.”

9:08: Rubio: Barack Obama must not be on the Supreme Court.

9:07: Next question to Rubio. Rubio starts by attacking Obama, saying he wants to “change America.”

9:05: Cruz: I’ve never insulted Donald Trump.

9:04: Cruz starts by insulting the rest of the candidates, saying he wanted to get the “Trump portion” out of the way. He then thanked everyone for attending.

9:03: Cruz gets the first question, and it’s about Trump not attending.

9:02: Candidates being introduced.

9:01: The scene at the Trump rally at the moment:
Trump Thing

9:00: The debate is about to start (on time!).

I’ll be trying to cover the debate and Wounded Warrior fundraiser event live with updates. If I miss something, comment! If Donald Trump said something awesome, comment! If Jeb Bush is talking, switch the channel to Trump, and then comment!
I believe you can live-stream the Trump rally here.

108 Comments on The GOP Debate, Donald Trump Wounded Warrior Fundraiser Live Blog Extravaganza

  1. So if one of the candidates mentions Trump, is there a moment of silence for him to respond or do they check his twitter feed to see if he’s photoshopped Ted Cruz’s head on a moose ?

  2. Sorry, that question nailed Cruz as a think-skinned flip flopper when he became the target. Trump was great when Trump never said a thing about him. Remember, he fired the first shot when they leaked the secret meeting where he pounded Trump in private.

    His answer was a non-answer and sounded suspiciously like his greasy/slippery answers on amnesty.

  3. Knocked what out of the park?
    Cruz didn’t answer why he was fine with Trump, calling him important to the race, etc, until Trump responded to his leak of the secret meeting where he slams Trump behind his back.
    Remind me of what Cruz’s answer was to that point. Where was ball knocked out of the park?

  4. C’mon. Look I like Cruz more than Trump but he didn’t knock it out of the park. He totally dodged because he couldn’t answer it. Let’s not be so in the tank for any candidatr that we become blind to it.

  5. While the candidates at the debate talk.. Trump is doing more for Vets tonight than any of them ever did.
    He’s just announcing all the checks that are rolling in at his request.

  6. Why should Trump debate for a million and a half when he just got one donation for a million. He’s probably working on ten as I type this. Besides, it wasn’t about debating or not debating Cruz or anyone else. It was about Fox and their childish attempt at a take down. So cut it out. Have some fun!

  7. forget watching on CNN …. they’re more interested in their blovations & commercials, same w/ PMSNBC, then what Trump has to say …. thought they would use this for a ratings gain, other then pushing their agenda ….. but, they’re too stupid even for that.

    go online

  8. I can’t help but observe that Trump has “negotiated” and reached across “the aisle” and got Huckabee and Santorum to show up at his event and there is a winner – Veterans.

    Is this the “negotiation” that everyone is afraid of with Trump?

  9. He didn’t take his ball and go home.
    He’s having a high energy pro-USA barnburner where veterans are winning.
    The debate is an exercise in futility.
    Bla bla bla… nothing but a retread of what we did last month with the same moderators.

  10. It’s not a Trump site. It’s a Cruz /Trump site.
    But Cruz is the loser tonight. Sorry.

    While Trump is getting things done tonight, the debaters are spinning their wheels, and they didn’t even get to FOX’s special guests, the Muslim and the illegal alien.

    And I do notice you never answered my question, kiddy.

  11. Wow! Listening to Sgt. John Walding, Green Beret Army Special Forces telling his story and being an incredible spokesperson for his fellow vets and informing the public about what it means to be disabled. What an amazing man.

    “Never underestimate the magnitude of two words, ‘Thank you.’ Ask anyone (military) from Vietnam (war) what it feels like to get spit on…”

    I hope someone writes his testimony up for broader dissemination.

    Someone posted (Czar?) the website for donations, above. Give if you can. This is such an important issue – taking care of our vets. God bless Trump for making a forum for this. So glad things turned out this way.

  12. Cruz: “Bend over, Iowa, and let me kiss your big flat corn covered ass!”
    Trump “Bend over, veterans, and let me kiss your baby-killing asses and pretend I am patriotic!”

  13. Friggin Rubio is outperforming Cruz.
    This is not going well.
    Even Jeb is beating Cruz.

    Cruz has a weird sheepish look on his face like he’s been caught beating off into a gym sock.

  14. Dulce can mean ‘sweet’, ‘sweetly’, ‘candy’….so….her name is Candy Candy, or Sweet Candy….c’mon….what in the living name of Bob’ Big Boy is she doing on a debate asking a question?….I forgot about Candy Crawley….

  15. Jeebus, even Christie is outperforming Cruz.

    If this was to be Cruz’s night because Trump wasn’t there, it didn’t happen.
    That’s just my take.
    We’ll see the polls later tonight.

  16. sadly, Cruz is exposed as nothing other than a counter-foil to Trump
    the Establishment RINO’s are smelling blood, now that Trump is not center-stage; Cruz is the antelope in the lion’s sights

  17. I’m so sorry you guys are missing the after-show on CSPAN. You won’t believe the calls coming in on all lines (D, R, Iowa Voters).

    I’m not kidding 100% Trump. 100% All ages, both sexes, all over the country. Unvarnished enthusiasm. Asking if it mattered if Trump skipped the debate — not at all. “Glad he did it.” etc. etc.

  18. Bill O’Reilly: Mr. Trump What is your weakest trait?

    Mr. Trump. My weakest trait, I believe, is my honesty.

    B.O’Reilly: I don’t think honesty is a weak trait.

    Mr. Trump: I don’t give a fuck what you think!

  19. Before we settled on CSPAN, we checked who was covering Trump’s Vet event on the other 2 stations. Our choices were that woman who is a lesbian and those guys on CNN. So glad cspan covered it.

  20. I am sincerely sorry Cruz didn’t have a good showing tonight. I take no pleasure in my prediction that Fox would make him look bad, too. He is considered a rogue outsider to the establishment GOP/media class. He should have walked out on them in solidarity against their treatment of Trump, but he chose instead to take a short-term political advantage of the situation.

    There was a good article over at Breitbart today about the problem of this myopic political move.

    “Although what Fox News is guilty of is objectively indefensible, some on the Right are simply using Trump’s withdrawal from the debate to their own political advantage. To hell with principle, anything that hurts Trump is okay with them.”

    Cruz would have been wise to take a longer view, but it may be too late to course correct. Too many people have seen the political hay — and now it’s going through the beast.

  21. My observation: Trump is a genius. He avoided the Fox rat-f#cking and Cruz got beat up. The Rubio anointing is just going to help Trump.
    Cruz, Rubio and the rest split the vote. Trump wins.

  22. Tomorrow is the big day. Open line Friday. Looking forward to Rush and Mark.
    BTW. Are there any demorats running for office this year?
    Will they have a debate on Superbowl Sunday? Or will they have a chat with Chris Cuomo again? One one one.
    I predict a landslide victory for a Republican, I just hope it’s Trump or Cruz.

  23. I streamed the Vet-Trump fundraiser in the kitchen and DH had C-Span on in the living room. It was awesome. At one point, I couldn’t get to make a donation. Wonder if the system was overwhelmed. I finally was able to make the donation about a half hour after the event was finished.

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