The Gospel According to Jesse Jackson – IOTW Report

The Gospel According to Jesse Jackson

Patriot Retort:

In Matthew 25, Jesus said:

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

And according to Jesse Jackson, by “you,” Jesus meant the Government.

Not “you” the individual. Silly rabbit.

No, “you” meaning the Government.

This is the Gospel according to Jesse Jackson.

Jesus came among us to make sure that we formed governments that practiced Christian Charity leaving individuals — like, say Jesse Jackson — free from having to practice it themselves. Instead, they are free to extort money from businesses and individuals in the name of Jesus, while Government does the actual charity work.

The other day from Washington, Jackson and his fellow shakedown artist Al Sharpton gathered a bunch of so-called “ministers for justice” to protest Donald Trump.

Because, as Jesus once said, “Verily, I say unto you. If you do not like the outcome of an election, invoke my name in protest.”

If you never heard that verse, your Bible must not include the Gospel according to Jesse Jackson.  MORE

23 Comments on The Gospel According to Jesse Jackson

  1. I thought for sure Jackson and Sharpton would be in Texas, donating several $millions they scammed from businesses to help feed, donate food, water and necessities to the devastated folks of Texas.
    Maybe those ordination papers from the Kellogg’s box tops really don’t make them Reverends, compassionate or moral.
    Scam artists with loud mouths and a camera in their face.
    False Teachers, false reverends, false Gospel, false prophets.

    They may fill the collection plate, but not for the Church of Christ.

  2. We all Take Jesse As That’s Just Jessie Being Jesse ! In Reality It’s a Man Playing on Peoples Fear of Jesus To Get Some of What They Have !
    Sounds More Like The Devil To Me !!!

  3. A REVEREND who BANGED his secretary and produced an illegitimate daughter disqualifies himself.

    I can’t believe I have to remind liberals of that fact. . .

  4. criminal shakedown artist
    Jesse Jackson is criticizing other people’s behavior ?
    How laughable
    When his openly immoral and criminal behavior
    is supposed to be thought as normal.

  5. “Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s …”

    Yep … Jesus was a Big-Government Liberal!

    Why is this frog-eyed, shit-pickle-eating hypocritical maggot still breathing?

    “Will no one rid the Earth of this turbulent preacher?”
    (that’s a paraphrase from Henry II)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Dianny already stated my thoughts on this fake “man of God”.

    Jesse, dear.

    Nobody is “qualified” to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

    That’s kinda why Jesus came to begin with.

    – Dianny

    I would not want to dilute that fact by trying to add to it.

  7. Sharpton and Jackson are false teachers, and the Bible is very clear about their kind. See especially, I Timothy and Titus. Christians are called to expose false teachers.

    (Has Sharpton paid his taxes yet?)

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