The Great Slight Hope – IOTW Report

The Great Slight Hope

The Federalist

They’re stuck. Every serious Democrat, including Biden, knows that Harris can’t be their nominee, which, in effect, would make her the party’s leader. She doesn’t know anything. She can’t talk. Voters hate her.

It’s the sweetest irony that the Kamala problem is Biden’s own doing. He put her on his 2020 ticket after boxing himself in with the promise to elect a woman. And in the Year of Patron Saint George Floyd, there was no chance it wouldn’t be a black one. More

20 Comments on The Great Slight Hope

  1. IF, she was elected, big IF, she’s guaranteed to make Biden look not so bad after all. Despite all the damage she’d cause, Carter and Obama would support her for personal reasons.

  2. She doesn’t know anything. She can’t talk. Voters hate her.

    She’s PERFECT for the job! What’s the problem? She got voted in, you got what you voted for. No do overs. STFU.

  3. Biden will drop out or the dems will “drop him out” if you know what I mean, via a false-flag operation by a MAGA-hat wearing psycho. There’s an election coming up, and dems will stop at nothing to prevail.

  4. “She doesn’t know anything. She can’t talk. Voters hate her.”

    That’s the POINT. She’s there to prove we can foist whoever the hell we want on you peasants, even a pedophile, even a Muslim illegal, even a retarded whore, and force you to bow even to such a one. They’re all just mouthpieces anyway, but you need to be humiliated by requiring you to call them “president” because we’ll shoot you if you don’t.

    Stupid slaves. Keep questioning it and we’ll put that odious Cinton woman over you instead. And we just might do it anyway so we can get the killing of you in high gear.

  5. If democrats are happy with an openly anti white pedophile dementia patient, get him in office with statistically impossible math, beat judges into submission, conjure a socalled insurrection, get their terrorist arms BLM and antifa off scottfree, all while the opposition sits there with a big dick in their mouths, there’s no one they can’t select.

  6. Ferd Berfle
    THURSDAY, 9 NOVEMBER 2023, 9:53 AT 9:53 AM
    “Don’t expect anyone to give up willingly”

    That’s why I plan to send them counselors.

    They seem a bit suicidal lately, and I know people that can help with that.

  7. She doesn’t know anything. She can’t talk.

    Well? So what? Look at what occupies the Oval office. You think 81 Millyunn well educated and informed American voters thought biden was Okay? You Know that was an honest election and represented the True Voices of the People,, right? They can put whatever they Want in the Whitehouse, apparently. We sure as hell aren’t making the decisions.

  8. The bestest most fabulous Third Party ticket to satisfy the brazenly greedy MIC:
    Harris/Haley in 2024
    feat. Liz Cheney for SCOTUS Chief Justice
    Hunter Biden Attn Gen
    Chuckie Schmuckles FBI Chief
    Mitt Romney for Sec of State
    Lindsie Graham Sec of Defense
    Shitty Schiff CIA Chief
    Fauxi for Surgeon Gen
    AOC for Sec of Education
    Ilhan Omar Homeland Security Czarina
    WINNERS all and no one gets hung for Treason !!

  9. A warning to everyone – This female gorilla skulled male sword swallower is not as dumb as she pretends to be because even with her obviously major league fellatio skills she would not have risen so high in the communist death democrats upper ranks if she is as stupid as she pretends to be. If you really look into her eyes when she is speaking, one can see utter ruthlessness and no sign of any empathy for humans. Do not underestimate this wanna be mass murdering Dictator. She just may be fooling her fellow communist death democrat puppet masters like the Obamas, Soros, Gates, Bidens, Clintons, etc etc. until she is installed in our White House and then watch her turn on her puppet masters. Keep a very wary eye on this beast like slag. Cameltoes Harris has the ability to very dangerous.


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    The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.”
    -Douglas Adams, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

  11. I share Tony R’s theory. Said it myself a few times. What better way to institute national gun confiscation and control than to have CIA assets put on a MAGA costumes and martyr the Pedo.

    So many birds with one stone. The old pervert pederast instantly becomes canonized, the Commie cunt gets her time to shine and pardon the remaining Biden criminals, Manchelle gets nominated to heal the country. The MAGA movement is stopped in tracks and the sympathy vote guarantees a Demonrat victory.

    The globalist cabal can implement its crack down and arrest every conservative starting wuth PDJT.

    They will off the ancient kiddie diddler because their is no downside.


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