The Hideous Jug That Duped ‘Antiques Roadshow’ – IOTW Report

The Hideous Jug That Duped ‘Antiques Roadshow’

It was mistakenly appraised for up to $50,000.

fugly jug fools antique dealers

AtlasObscura: Usually the appraisers on the hypnotic PBS hit, Antiques Roadshow, seem to be pretty spot on with their appraisals of the knick-knacks and furniture that cross their path, but every once in a while, even the experts make a mistake.

Such an error occurred last year, when one expert priced a (seemingly purposefully) ugly jug at up to $50,000, Hyperallergic pointed out. But, as it turns out, it was simply a high school art project worth much less.


16 Comments on The Hideous Jug That Duped ‘Antiques Roadshow’

  1. I see al kinds of old art class ceramics at the thrift stores and have even purchased a couple of the better ones but I never thought they would be worth more than a few bucks. Maybe I should spend less of my hard earned cash on vintage tools and postcards and more on vintage A+ high school art projects.

  2. Don’t feel bad Antiques Roadshow. A bunch of Americans appraised Barack Obama as a high-priced item and elected him twice as President. Turns out he wasn’t worth a ?.

  3. All my kids made ” Ugly Jugs” in elementary school. It has been a thing for years. Do these appraisers not have children?

    Also, that jug looks kinda rayciss.

  4. If that’s a HS project, I wonder what that student is doing today? Well done. I might not have mistaken it for a $50K antique, but I would have recognized it for a well done art piece.

  5. HS Project or no, it looks better than all that stuff on the “Kneeling Hitler and other Trash” bullshit thread.

    (the thread wasn’t bullshit, the “art” was)

    izlamo delenda est …

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