The Justice Department won’t have January 6 evidence ready until 2022 – IOTW Report

The Justice Department won’t have January 6 evidence ready until 2022

McFadden scolded the government for its backwards process. “You would not arrest [someone] then gather evidence later. That’s not how this works.”

American Greatness: By Julie Kelly

During a status hearing Friday afternoon for Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, an Army reservist arrested on January 15 for his involvement in the January 6 protest in Washington, D.C., an assistant U.S. attorney admitted the government will not meet its discovery obligations for all Capitol defendants until early 2022.

Kathyrn Fifield, the lead attorney representing the Justice Department, informed Judge Trevor McFadden that the “incalculable” volume of video collected by the government related to the Capitol breach investigation will prevent defendants and their lawyers from accessing the full body of evidence against them for several more months. “No system exists to wrap its arms around [all this evidence],” Fifield told McFadden. This includes at least 14,000 hours of surveillance video plus thousands of hours of body-worn camera footage from law enforcement.

Fifield resisted setting a 2021 trial date for Hale; McFadden and Jonathan Crisp, Hale’s court-appointed attorney, told the government last month that unless a plea arrangement was agreed upon, a trial would be set for later this year because Hale already has been incarcerated for more than six months. “If we do set a trial date, the government cannot meet discovery obligations until early 2022. That’s a conservative estimate,” Fifield said.

Despite arresting more than 550 people since January 6, the government still has no platform for posting, sharing, and transferring digital evidence. “Due to the extraordinary nature of the January 6, 2021 Capitol Attack, the government anticipates that a large volume of materials may contain information relevant to this prosecution,” Fifield wrote in a July 14 filing. “These materials may include, but are not limited to, surveillance video, statements of similarly situated defendants, forensic searches of electronic devices and social media accounts of similarly situated defendants, and citizen tips. The government is working to develop a system that will facilitate access to these materials.” MORE

11 Comments on The Justice Department won’t have January 6 evidence ready until 2022

  1. The process is the punishment. They don’t have any evidence except footage that likely is exculpatory. This is a complete violation or their right to due process, and a speedy trial. Meanwhile they are being tortured and fed a toxic diet of soy while being told they need to vaccinate if they want to be able to shower or groom themselves. It is outrageous – they are being treated far worse than anything that happened at Gitmo that had libs up in arms.

  2. They need to be pearl clutching about “insurrectioniats White Supremacist Trump supporters” for the 2022 midterms.

    Nothing else matters. Certainly not Constitutional protections about speedy trials for mere citizens…

  3. Don’t want to interfere in the Mid-terms Eh?

    … and how are the Hunter investigations coming along in between your harassment of Giuliani?

  4. “You would not arrest [someone] then gather evidence later. That’s not how this works.”

    Oh, please!! That is the new judicial mantra now. Used to be presumption of innocence, due process, reasonable bail, speedy trial, and evidentiary proof beyond a reasonable doubt, but those have all been kicked right in the balls by a politicized judicial branch with an agenda.

    So now we have Trump supporters locked up indefinitely for taking selfies in front of Pelosi’s desk, while genuine criminals hide behind the BLM moniker and are released without charges filed before the paperwork is done.

    I don’t even recognize this fucking country anymore.

  5. Pathetic. Everyone one should be immediately released with an apology. The members of the prosecution and the courts who have allowed this violation of the Constitution to continue should be fired and dis-barred.

  6. Only BLM and AntiFa, aided by the Capital police, did any breaking in or caused any damage. Getting good people into the capital so they could be set up for this Bullshit op was the main goal.


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