The Left Doesn’t Hate the NRA- They Hate YOU! – IOTW Report

The Left Doesn’t Hate the NRA- They Hate YOU!

Kurt Schlichter for Townhall-

The progressives are cranking things up to 11 on the Stupid/Psycho Scale, which is good for us in the short term – some of us Normals were growing complacent and the midterms are coming. But we also need to open our eyes and accept the bitter reality we face. We can’t just pretend the truth is not the truth because we wish it were otherwise. The left’s dropping of its mask has demonstrated once again the undeniable fact. The left hates you.

Just give them a listen. Those carefully selected moppet puppets are out there on TV telling Normals “We are going to outlive you.” When leftists tell you that you are going to die first, you should believe they mean it. They have a track record of making that happen.

And then there is the new meme, that the NRA is a “terrorist” organization. This means you are a “terrorist” simply by advocating for your political views. Think about that. Labeling your political opponents as “terrorists” – gee, that can’t end badly. Violence against and suppression of terrorists is okay, isn’t it? And when this ploy works with guns, it will happen with the next right the left wants to take from us.

How’s that blood on your hands? Sure, you were thousands of miles away, and your AR-15 – like the 14,999,999 other AR-15s out there – never shot up a school, but just believing in the Second Amendment makes you a non-human. Those of us who know something about history know that the people leftists regard as non-human always tend to end up non-living.


ht/ anymouse

10 Comments on The Left Doesn’t Hate the NRA- They Hate YOU!

  1. Half the country are anti American, Godless heathens that think it’s okay to part out unborn human beings, allow a flood of barbarians to invade our shores. They are the scum of the earth and if they take complete control they would put normal people in re-education camps and have stated they would have to kill around 10% of the population that refuses to obey them!

    Good luck with that, ain’t gonna happen

  2. Kurt is right. But a little slow on the uptake. He was a “Doggy” so I forgive.

    The left has hated America for at least 58 years!
    It was in ’50 watching Cronkite’s “Ugly Americans”/“news reporting”(that is what they (progressives) said he was doing!) that I realized the Press (the tool of the left) hated my country. They hate America not more today. But they do not give us the “Compassionate Conservative” lie that they did from ’50 to 2008.

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