The left in therapy… – IOTW Report

The left in therapy…

25 Comments on The left in therapy…

  1. The treatment for TDS sufferers is pre-frontal lobotomy, followed by post-frontal lobotomy and trans-frontal lobotomy, and ending with continual head-to-toe electro-convulsive shock treatments until they get better or STFU permanently, whichever comes first.

  2. One of you guys here with graphics/photoshop skillz help me out. I want that therapist holding a doll. The one they say, “show me where he hurt you”. But I want the doll to have a penis and a vagina, boobs and chest hair, goatee and bangs. The ultimate leftist wet dream of the non gendered, non conforming, non ciz, ultimate victim.

    In short, what they all most desire to be so that they can claim discrimination in every interaction.

  3. The antidote for liberals and snowflakes is to be put in a room with a few white rednecks and brutally insulted for hours until they get used to it. Part of spiritual growth and mental stability is to not seek the approval of others for its own sake. And if you really want to grow spiritually you learn to relish persecution for saying/living the truth.

  4. message to all libtards … please follow the example of the geranium … the whole world will thank you

    btw, great captioning Fur … you caught the whole, demented prog weep-athon universe in a few short succinct sentences


    Florida residents were in therapy after George W Bush won the Presidency. There was a news article I bookmarked, and have since lost. I think the site has been removed. Can’t find it anymore.

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