The Left – Nuts, Liars or Stupid? – IOTW Report

The Left – Nuts, Liars or Stupid?

Ted Cruz just came right out and said it –


-and the left has gone apoplectic.

The context of his comment was beautiful as well.

“Every time you have some sort of violent crime or mass killing you can almost see the media salivating. Hoping, hoping desperately that the murderer happens to be a Republican so they can use it to try to paint their political enemies.”

He also said that democrats have been fighting for decades to give felons the right to vote. Do you think for one second they’d be doing that if the votes would be right-wing?

The comments at Politico are where the real sparks are flying, with leftists not only saying that Cruz’s statement is false, but that THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE!!!

Are they kidding me?

On one hand the left admits that the prisons are overwhelmingly overrepresented by blacks, and on the other they are proud that they receive 90% of the black vote, but somehow, armed with this information, they extrapolate that violent criminals vote right-wing. (??)

Nuts, liars or stupid? Take your pick.

(Readers, as well as Politico, were reporting that Cruz didn’t provide research to back up his statement. He did. The heavy lifting had to be provided, as usual, by a right-wing reader in the comments section.)
Linzie Washington ·

From CNN

Asked for evidence to support that claim, Cruz’s campaign cited research by the University of Pennsylvania’s Marc Meredith and Stanford University’s Michael Morse, which found that ex-felons who register to vote have, in the states the researchers examined, overwhelmingly registered as Democrats.
In their study, published in the January 2014 edition of “The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,” Meredith and Morse also cite previous research that showed felons are more likely to be Democrats based on factors like ethnicity, income, age, employment, marital status and education.

22 Comments on The Left – Nuts, Liars or Stupid?

  1. Don’t do what I did and read several pages of comments from the progtards on that article. Once you read one, you’ve read them all. I was trying to find some progressive with an actual thought of their own in the comments, but no luck. These people are all commenting from the same narrative that takes no longer than 3 minutes to understand in its entirety, as they get hammered with it in hour long shows like the View.

  2. Cruz is playing them at their own game. How many times have we been left sputtering at a statement from any of these Lefties and not a word of regret or retraction from them? He knows it’s the truth, we know it, now he is making them eat it and daring any of these clowns to write a column refuting him. He has the facts already to back his statements up and he’s just waiting to rub them in some asshole’s face. The media will soon be terrified of Cruz, like Trump he is 3 moves ahead of them.

  3. Like you, I read many of the comments at politico. So many twisted factoids and uninformed opinions stated so confidently. One poster linked to “politifact” that had a bunch of “lies” told by Cruz. I didn’t see anything they cited that was untrue or that wasn’t taken out of context to give it a “false” rating.

    Another linked to a USA Today article about firearm deaths ranked by state claiming that almost all of the worst ranked states were red states. But the person posting it didn’t bother to actually read the article because they would have found that the vast majority of the deaths by “gun violence” noted were suicides. The states were ranked by per capita “rate” so Alaska appeared to have the most “gun violence” of any state despite having the lowest actual gun murder rate per capita (2.4 per 100,000). To any discerning reader, the article was BS put forth as part of the anti-gun agenda and was never intended to represent reality.

    But the leftist lemmings aren’t into actually researching anything that requires reading more than 140 characters. And they are by far the most likely to go ad hominem on other commenters rather than actually refute what was stated – the facts aren’t on their side.

    I wonder how many posters are the same people posting under different names and if they are paid by our own govt. for spewing disinformation. Cass Sunstein (a corrupt appointee of Obama’s) even stated that they would infiltrate website comments sections with their own propaganda to control the narrative – it looks to me like they have gone gangbusters on that mission.

  4. Trump has been doing it all along, now Cruz is getting in on the action…

    “This is the White House theory of “Stray Voltage.” It is the brainchild of former White House Senior Adviser David Plouffe, whose methods loom large long after his departure. The theory goes like this: Controversy sparks attention, attention provokes conversation, and conversation embeds previously unknown or marginalized ideas in the public consciousness. This happens, Plouffe theorizes, even when—and sometimes especially when—the White House appears defensive, besieged, or off-guard.”

  5. Have those nice, peaceful democrats called for Cruz’s death yet?

    Presumably for First Degree Political Incorrectness and Aggravated Truth Speaking With Special Circumstances?

    If not, I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

  6. Criminal behavior is a requirement of the democratic party. Those who don’t tow that line are quickly blacklisted, or they end up on the Clinton’s list of the dead.

    Force a progtard to look at the truth and they act like somebody just ran a chainsaw up their koran hole.

  7. “You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!” – Kipling
    My brain starts turning to oatmeal after about 5 posts from people educated well beyond their intelligence.
    PC = acceptance of the rambling of idiots, they demand it. Respect for people who have not earned respect, you guessed it, they demand it.

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