“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States” – George Soros head creator/cheerleader of the mass “refugee” crisis – IOTW Report

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States” – George Soros head creator/cheerleader of the mass “refugee” crisis

Look no further than Georges Soros for what is happening to the west with this mass invasion of Muslim miscreants. Soros knows they are a cancer. This is what he is counting on. This is his plan – a world without borders, and communists in control.

Front Page

Soros traffics in revolution and human misery. His devious business deals have brought the financial systems of the United Kingdom and Malaysia to their knees. Soros helped finance the Czech Republic’s 1989 “Velvet Revolution.” He acknowledged having orchestrated coups in Croatia, Georgia, Slovakia, and Yugoslavia. In the United States, he has financed the violent, politically destabilizing Occupy Wall Streetand Black Lives Matter movements.

Crippling his adopted homeland, which already admits a quarter million difficult-to-assimilate foreign Muslims every year, is also a favorite pastime of Soros.

Through his philanthropies Soros has given more than $100 million to U.S.-based groups that support “immigrant rights,” immigration amnesty, and open borders since 1997. The goal is to flood America with reliably Democratic future voters who will support Soros’s extreme left-wing policy agenda.

Soros makes little effort to conceal his contempt for this nation. He openly favors the collapse of the greenback and the decline of America in general.


ht/ finai

20 Comments on “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States” – George Soros head creator/cheerleader of the mass “refugee” crisis

  1. First in a list of demands from students at Amherst University:

    1. President Martin must issue a statement of apology to students, alumni and former students, faculty, administration and staff who have been victims of several injustices including but not limited to our institutional legacy of white supremacy, colonialism, anti-black racism, anti-Latinx racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-Native/ indigenous racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Middle Eastern racism, heterosexism, cis-sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, mental health stigma, and classism. Also include that marginalized communities and their allies should feel safe at Amherst College.

    You CANNOT make this shit up!

  2. One of the most haunting things I’ve ever seen is when at the 2004 Demoncrat convention, Soros, Z. Brzezinski and David Rockefeller, were all beaming watching BHO give the convention speech.

    As Brzensinski said, “we’ve had our eyes on him since 1988”. Henry Kissinger said, America is the only thing standing in the way of a NWO and it would be BHO’s task to create that NWO.

    Soros (and Rockefeller) are the stuff spy movies are made of–only they are real. Soros is still alive cause even satan can’t fathom that level of evil.

    Even scarier, Soros’ children are more than prepared to carry on daddy’s legacy of evil.

  3. It is essential that everyone understand what people like Soros mean when they use the words “just” and “stable”.

    “Just” means that they and their collectivist totalitarian ilk get to decide whether or not you get to keep any of what is your property.

    “Stable” means that they and their collectivist totalitarian ilk will kill to maintain their dictatorial powers.

    Actually, it isn’t just Soros and cohort. Beware of any politician, bureaucrat, or “statesman” who uses those terms.

  4. I don’t think the black bags ever stopped.

    if our government felt threatened by soros they would take care of him.

    I think soros does what soros does at someone else’s behest with our governments blessing.
    otherwise he would be toast.

  5. Oh come on. Why would Obumbles consider Soros, and who ever supports him, and enemy of the USA. Obumbles doesn’t consider Jihadist enemies.

    Well, all of them are our enemy, but allies of Obumbles..

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