The Media Silence on Bombshell Class Action Suit Against the DNC Is Deafening – IOTW Report

The Media Silence on Bombshell Class Action Suit Against the DNC Is Deafening


There is a class action case against the DNC in general and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-D) in particular that is pending right now. The involved parties are awaiting a ruling by the presiding judge on whether the case can move forward into the discovery phase.

If you only paid attention to the MSM, you’d never know this potentially devastating lawsuit is going on Here

The Real interview with attorney Elizabeth Lee Beck explaining the history and details of the lawsuit Here

Stefan Molyneux recently interviewed another one of the lawyers pursuing the case, Jared Beck, and they have a pretty good time ridiculing the DNC’s arguments to disallow the lawsuit. Here

Apparently the DNC ‘s lawyer is claiming that the party is not obligated to hold a fair nomination process, even though it’s spelled out in their own charter that the DNC chair is suppose to be impartial towards all nominees.



10 Comments on The Media Silence on Bombshell Class Action Suit Against the DNC Is Deafening

  1. When you look past the distractions and deflections you see the left’s desire is for big government run by and for a handful of elites who control every aspect of people’s lives.

    It has gone by many names: monarchy, dictatorship, despotism, communism, paternalism, fascism, socialism, liberalism, progressive but the goal is always the same.

  2. It’s not news worthy until the complicit main stream media says it’s news worthy.

    Oh my God, Melania and Ivanka didn’t wear head scarves in Saudi Arabia. Now that’s earth shattering news.

  3. The Democrat Party is the largest, best funded, best organized and most dedicated terrorist supporting organization in the world!

  4. I don’t see what the issue is with the media’s silence on this story. They are just waiting until the facts are in. They would do the same thing if a similar suit was brought against the RNC.

    Wouldn’t they?

  5. There simply isn’t enough time to cover stories like this. They’re too busy with their investigative journalism into whether or not Trump gets sprinkles on his ice cream.

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