The Most Dangerous Assault Weapon in the U.S. is the DOJ – IOTW Report

The Most Dangerous Assault Weapon in the U.S. is the DOJ

The most shocking assault on 1A in my lifetime.

Whether you agree with the prosecutors or not, why does the right get indicted and the left skates?

12 Comments on The Most Dangerous Assault Weapon in the U.S. is the DOJ

  1. The right can’t do anything other than sending a “strongly worded letter”
    Get with it with treason and sedition, imprison them and then let them prove their innocents, applies to every demoncrat. Shitcan the romneys, cheneys, mcconnel, kinzinger, graham and force mccarthy to get some balls

  2. @Lowell – “…Because they have declared war and nobody on the right wants to admit that…”

    I disagree. Almost everybody on the right DOES admit that, but we’re up against a powerful media – relic and tech – that controls the narrative. Not to mention the deep state and DC elites who will do ANYTHING to maintain their control of power. Collectively they are a formidable opponent.

  3. “…Allow me to disagree. They are not formidable, they have yet to be challenged…”

    Allow me to disagree. Donald Trump challenged them, the J6 protesters challenged them, Rand Paul challenged them, Jim Jordan challenged them, James Comey challenged them, Devin Nunes challenged them, Miranda Devine challenged them, Fox News challenged them. I could go on.

    What exactly constitutes a legitimate challenge in your opinion?
    Okay then, if they aren’t formidable, why haven’t they been challenged?

  4. “…Okay then, if they aren’t formidable, why haven’t they been challenged?…”

    ^^^that last sentence was supposed to have been deleted. It was part of a different line of thinking.^^^

  5. The left OWNS the JustUs Department, their hired thugs the FBI and about 90% of the criminal black robed pirates infesting the judiciary. THAT is why they can persecute conservatives while LITERALLY getting away with murder.

  6. “It’s not the first guy that stands up, it’s the second. That day is coming.”

    Have you read “The Rebel” by Camus?

    The first guy is hanged – it’s only when the connivers and opportunists start to fight that they become efficient.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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