The NeverTrump’s Go-To Guy, Gary Johnson, Endorses #BLM – IOTW Report

The NeverTrump’s Go-To Guy, Gary Johnson, Endorses #BLM

Is it time to admit that #NeverTrump is out of their friggin’ minds?

We have supposed “conservatives” flocking to Gary Johnson (don’t believe me? Go to any comment section of a #NeverTrump blog and you’ll be entertained while nauseated), convincing themselves that he’s the palatable alternative to the evil Donald Trump. (I think Donald Trump said something bad about a muslim, the NeverTrump’s brand new best friends.)

So, what does #NeverTrump say now? Gary Johnson has endorsed #BLM.

If the #NeverTrump has any consistency whatsoever they should be convincing themselves that #BLM isn’t all that bad,

They’ve already embraced Johnson’s “Right to Choose up until the moment of viability,” “Amnesty for criminals because of overcrowded jails,” “No death penalty,” “Legalizing drugs,” “Belief in Man-Made Global Warming,” “Embracing of Cuba,” “Open Mexican Border Policy,” and  “Religious Freedom Laws Are a ‘Black Hole’ That Allow Discrimination.”

What’s a little #DownWithBLM ?

How crazy are #NeverTrump?


Much crazier than they think Trump is. Not even close.

23 Comments on The NeverTrump’s Go-To Guy, Gary Johnson, Endorses #BLM

  1. The more you see of Trump the more you like him.
    The more you see of johnson, the more you’ll like Trump.
    The more you see or hear hillary the more pissed off you get and will vote for Trump.
    The more you see the press in collusion with the obama & hillary , you’ll vote for Trump.
    Put down the Kool-Aid and snap out of your fantasy world, vote Trump.
    All the way with Trump.

  2. Or is it, “I’m wit chew”? Anyway – YES. Libertarians are intent on stepping on their own bits every change they get. Most are progressives trying to pretend to have patriotic leanings.

  3. I will NEVER vote for a new Englander, especially a new Yorker, so Trump has been a NOPE for me for a long time. I’ll NEVER vote for a demonrat either.
    I have voted Libertarian in past elections and was considering doing it again this year. Then along comes this p.o.s. democrat-lite and his liberal new England republicrat running mate.
    I’m hoping that the Constitution party won’t implode too.

    WTF America? Is this REALLY the best we can do?

  4. Voting for anyone but Trump is a vote for Hiilary.

    The libertarian convention was a Star Wars bar scene circus show. They were more worried about legal pot, conspiracy theories and chem trails than anything of substance. How does that not harm conservatism more than a populist?!

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