The New Default in Switzerland is You’re an Organ Donor – Must Opt Out, Not In – IOTW Report

The New Default in Switzerland is You’re an Organ Donor – Must Opt Out, Not In

(NEWSER) – Switzerland has just taken a big step in its quest to shrink its organ transplant waiting list backlogs. Under its new model, all residents will be considered potential donors after death unless they have opted out, a reverse from the current set-up, in which people opt-in while still alive. The new “presumed consent” model was a decision of the people, with 60% of voters coming out in favor of it in a Sunday referendum. The Guardian reports the ins and outs: The new rule applies to those 16 and up who die in a hospital’s ICU. In the event a person hasn’t opted out, relatives can still prevent organ donation if they believe their loved one would have objected.


16 Comments on The New Default in Switzerland is You’re an Organ Donor – Must Opt Out, Not In

  1. I wonder if this is a ploy to stop all the voodoo African natives from migrating to Switzerland?
    Those niggas ain’t down with harvesting organs unless it’s for their own black-magic raising the dead type bullshit activities.

    Fucking GENIUS these Swiss, Wile E Coyote genius!

  2. That’s why I drink alot and have done many drugs in my life, so they’ll never want my organs as they’re barely keeping me alive at this moment. hahaha, you fools. I Win! I always win.

  3. So every part of you will serve the common cause. Remember when they were using cremation heat to warm a nearby swimming pool? We must serve the elite, the Riche, our true masters.

  4. What could go wrong with being gifted a contaminated organ? Ebola, HIV/AIDS, monekeypox, hepatitis, cancer, damaged organs caused by mRNA. May as well die and get it over with. The disease is worse than the death.

  5. If I were to be trapped in a system like that (opt out vs opt in), as I was near to death, I would take a large amount of a systemic poison (no, not “systemic racism”). NOW just let TPTB try to harvest my organs!


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