The New Group Of Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients – IOTW Report

The New Group Of Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients


Powerline: They will receive Presidential Medals of Freedom on Friday. It is an entertaining group: along with Presley, Hatch and Page, Babe Ruth, Antonin Scalia, Miriam Adelson and Roger Staubach will be honored.

Talk about diversity! Scott has written about Elvis’s patriotism and fundamental conservatism. And of course Elvis is one of the icons of American culture. Like Babe Ruth, America’s greatest sports hero. Ruth, an utterly self-created man and a trailblazer who rethought the game of baseball, strikes me as an appropriate symbol of freedom.

Alan Page in his prime was a truly great football player. I think it may have been in 1971 that Sports Illustrated’s preview of the Minnesota Vikings’ upcoming season began with–or maybe consisted entirely of–“Page destroys.” He was elected to the Minnesota Supreme Court more for his athletic fame than for any distinction as a lawyer, but, despite being a liberal, Page is a good guy who has tirelessly promoted the importance of education to African-American youth.  MORE


3 Comments on The New Group Of Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients

  1. I have been an Elvis fan for 63 years. A fact known only to hillbillies is that he was a man of honor. Karl wrote Blue Swede(hillbillies can not spell) Shoes in 56. The owner of Sun wanted Elvis to record it while Karl was in hospital. Why? Cause he ran Moonshine for $ and the Revenuers ran him off a cliff. Sun reported it as an in town Accident. But we all knew. Hollywood made an unsuccessful movie about it “Thunder Mountain”

    Elvis said “I record Karl’s record he’ll never get to make a hit out of it – How many remember that the original hit of “Houndog” was Bill Hailey? No one in 56! So I will only record it after Carl gets his record in the stores. “

    When Carl got out of hospital he recorded his song and it was a million seller. Next month Elvis recorded it – Sun was mad and sold him to RCA, so it was an RCA record. And it sold many millions. And like Bill Hailey few know that the original hit of “Shoes” was the writer Carl Perkins. But Carl did and he thanked Elvis many times after Elvis was dead! He also said that after he had a million seller he learned he could not spell!

    Elvis was a man of honor and integrity! And the best singer in history, BAR NONE!

    I have mentioned I am old!


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