The New York Times Would Like You To Know They Really Are “in no way anti-Trump”. – IOTW Report

The New York Times Would Like You To Know They Really Are “in no way anti-Trump”.

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Yes, you read that right. The same day Don Lemon of CNN, the “Dumbest Man in Cable News”, proclaimed he and his network are not Liberal (i’ll pause why you finish laughing…….okay) we have NYT’s deputy managing editor Rebecca Blumenstein at the same event tell the renowned media audience gathered at the European globalist ‘Financial Times’ Future of News’ turdapalooza in NYC, that her paper “are in no way anti-Trump.”

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9 Comments on The New York Times Would Like You To Know They Really Are “in no way anti-Trump”.

  1. Financial times must be getting tougher. Oh no we aren’t really anti-Trump anti-GOP, anti-conservative. Please come back to us and watch our shows and subscribe to our papers. We really respect your point of view! LOL

  2. And they probably really believe that. This is the result of self confining with like minded people. Myopic clowns that are disinterested in any self examination because they’re in agreement that they have a full grasp on understanding the world.

  3. Lemonhead isn’t a liberal. He’s a straight up leftist. I can have a disagreement with a liberal. A leftist wants to take me out into the forest and put a bullet in the back of my head.


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