The number 1 [And 2] International Museum of Toilets – IOTW Report

The number 1 [And 2] International Museum of Toilets

Welcome to the tour of Sulabh International Museum of  Toilets.
Some are too pretty to piss in while others look downright dangerous. 

Victorian era
Victorian era

[Seriously, this one’s up to no good. I don’t think I can trust this one]

Sulabh International Museum of Toilets has many artifacts, from 2500 B.C. to the most modern and highly sophisticated toilet models, here we are displaying few of them…

First pour/flush toilet. India.
First pour/flush toilet. India.

[This one just screams ‘comfortable]

Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak is a great humanist and social reformer of contemporary India. He has the vision of a philosopher and the undying zeal of a missionary. He is the icon of sanitation and social reform who has made a difference in the lives of millions of people. With his efforts erstwhile untouchables have been allowed by the society to intermingle with them and to live at par with them, dine with them and offer prayers in temples. He has created a new culture which embraces the poor and extols the dignity of labour. His boundless love for the downtrodden finds expression in myriad and tangible ways. Inspired by one of the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi to abolish scavenging, Dr. Pathak founded Sulabh International Social Service Organisation in 1970 and launched a social reform-cum-environmental upgradation movement taking up the challenge of sanitation related pollution leading to environmental degradation and health hazards caused by the practice of open defecation and use of bucket toilets.

10 Comments on The number 1 [And 2] International Museum of Toilets

  1. Hard to believe that much of human history was ankle-deep in its own waste, at least where populations were concentrated, and that this was accepted more or less as the norm. Even harder to believe that the Deuteronomy dung shovel would have been a revolutionary idea in many places not even 100 years ago.

  2. Holy crap—-not antiquate…..I mean; adequate.
    Oh hell, it doesn’t matter, just stuff those bastards any where you can, as long as they remain harmless.

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